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Impact of the European conquest and Settlement of the Americas on the Global Economy

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the impact of the European conquest and settlement of the Americas on the global economy in the three centuries following 1492. Be sure to include discussion of the Colombian Exchange and Atlantic slavery.

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Impact of the European Conquest
As Europeans continued with their exploration and colonization of the Americas, they brought various changes to virtually every aspect of the land and its people. The changes ranged from trade and hunting to warfare and personal property. Notably, European concepts, goods, and diseases shaped the changing continent. Conversely, the penetration of the Europeans into American land through the establishment of colonies in their societies had significant effects. For example, some of the American societies because assimilated and divided along religious and racial lines. Besides, most of the people in these societies labored as slaves or servants to produce wealth for others.
Because of the establishment of American colonies, there was an increasing demand for labor as the urge to venture into the world’s new cash crops, sugar and tobacco seemed lucrative. The increased demand for cheap labor led Europeans to increasingly rely on Africans, which accelerated the Trans-Atlantic trade. Notably, the increased availability of cheap labor from African slaves led to the destabilization of most European systems who began preferring slaves than using servant labor at their homes. Statistics illustrate that by the end of the seventeenth century, approximately 350,000 Africans were working as slaves on European farms.
Before returning back to Europe, the European opted to enslave the Americans, instead of the Africans who worked as slaves. Researchers suggest that Europeans preferred the Americas over Africans because they knew how to grow sugar and tobacco. The European colonization of the Americas was advantageous. For example, the conque...
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