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Voices of Freedom: Progressive Era

Essay Instructions:

Essays should be written in essay format. For this course, this means you should write a five paragraph essay which includes the following:

1) an introduction that includes a thesis statement

2) three (or more) body paragraphs that provide details and specific examples to support your thesis statement

3) a conclusion that explains why the information is important

A thesis statement should fulfill the two following purposes:

1) answer the question

2) organize the essay

Essays will be graded on format, content, and grammar. They do not need a works cited page because the only sources used should be course materials (course readings and commentary).

Academic Integrity: All essays must be written in your own words. Essays will automatically be scanned by turnitin for plagiarism and originality. If your essay scores above 20%, your essay will receive a score of 0/10. In addition, your work will be reported for violating Lone Star’s academic integrity policy, which can be viewed on the college’s website and in the course syllabus. Possible results of this reportage include failing the class and expulsion from the Lone Star College system.

Read Voices of Freedom documents 110, 111, 112, and 118.

2) Using the posted information in Unit 1, Part 4, and the textbook, write a five paragraph essay on the following question: What were the goals, reforms, and characteristics of the Progressive Era? How were those evident in the Progressive reform movements during the late 1800s and early 1900s?

3) Make sure to proofread your paper and submit it in the dropbox by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21.

Papers should be typed, double spaced, and 12 point font with 1" or 1.25" margins. It must be submitted in Microsoft Word or as a PDF. Adobe PDF converter is free online. Papers with originality reports over 20% will receive a 0/10. Papers that cannot be accessed by the professor because of format issues will be scored at 0/10.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name
Voices of Freedom: Progressive Era
Progressive era was a significant period in the history of the U.S when social, political and government reforms were made. Some of the challenges that were caused by the rise of modern urban and industrial society were addressed. In essence, the progressive era was coupled with protection of social welfare, economic reforms, economic efficiency and promotion of moral improvement.
The progressive movement played a critical role in eliminating social injustice in America such as corruption and poor working conditions. There was a push to treat people justly amid the rise of influential businesses and corporations. It was necessary to do away with bribery that was facilitated by the political machines and bring about political reforms.
Also, the progr...
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