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Upton Sinclair: The Jungle

Essay Instructions:

Consider Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle as a window into working-class immigrant life at the turn of the twentieth century. In your view, given the evidence Sinclair presents and the broader materials encountered in class and at lecture, how useful is this novel as a way of understanding the travails of immigrants and industrial laborers at this stage in american history?

Students might want to consider: What are the key themes that Sinclair analyzes? What facets of the immigrant experience and of the gilded age industrial relations ring true to you, given the historical record of these issues studied in class? How does Sinclair's novel illustrate the intersection of immigration/ethnicity and industrial labor/economic class? And, how does this book provide readers with the insight into the spirit of reformism that infused American culture and politics in the early twentieth century?

It would be useful to explore how Sinclair uses at least three or four of the following issues to build his story, and to weigh how the author's treatment of such issues squarese with the historical understanding we have crafted in class:

-Immigration and the Economy

-Ethnic community institutions/culture


-Urban politics/machines

-Gender Relations

-Working conditions

-Deskilling, unskilled labor, the commodification of laborers

-Labor relations

-Health care



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject DD MM YYYY Upton Sinclair: The Jungle The Jungle is a novel written in 1904 by Upton Sinclair and published in 1906. Upton Sinclair was an American journalist, novelist and social crusader seeking political influence to change the lives of the society. The book exposes the horrible working conditions in the American meat packaging industry that operated in unhygienic conditions and violation of the health of the workers and the packaged meat. Famous and effective was the novel that improvements on the working conditions of slaughterhouses in America kicked off immediately with the 1906 legislation of the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. Upton Sinclair gives the reader a preview of the life of an immigrant in America in the twentieth century in their quest to realize the American dream and the reality of harsh working conditions and an endless quest for survival in an unkind land. Upton Sinclair’s initial agenda for the novel was to demonstrate the significance of socialism in American society against Capitalism in improving the quality of life. However, the author’s focus on the plight of immigrants, the unsafe working conditions, inadequate housing, poor healthcare, ravaging poverty and overall hopelessness depicted by the workers caught the attention of the audience. Summary The novel starts with the excitement when Jurgis marries Ona, an immigrant family with big prospects of fulfilling the American dream for themselves and their family. Money troubles set in immediately after the wedding with the family owed much money spent during their party. None of the other immigrant attendees contribute to the party. Jurgis finds work in Packingtown, a meatpacking area in Chicago, where other immigrants also work. Jurgis is unable to provide for his large family, and soon other members join the job search. Jurgis finds the workplace unbearable with poor working conditions. The young family falls prey to conmen after buying a cheap slum house and soon evicted losing their money in the process. The author portrays the apparent moral decay where thievery, bribery, extortion, and selfishness are common. The police and politicians are also corrupt, worsening the conditions for the people. Poor working conditions lead to work-related accidents, and Jurgis’ father dies as a result. Kristoforas, one of the children, dies shortly after following a case of food poisoning. Jurgis is fired from his position following an accident. Jurgis also discovers that his boss, Connor, sought sexual favors with Ona guaranteeing her and her family a chance to continue working. Jurgis is arrested and imprisoned after attacking Connor. Conditions are worse off after his arrest, and the family is evicted from their house and now reside in a boarding house. Ona, together with her infant, died at childbirth aged 18. Abject poverty prevented Jurgis from seeking help from a doctor leading to their death. After his first child drowns in a muddy street, Jurgis leaves the city and starts drinking. After some time, Jurgis is back to Chicago doing multiple jobs and engaging in a conning spree. He realizes the desperation in his family in the city. He discovers that Ona’s cousin named Marija is a prostitute and already addicted to morphine while the oldest child in the larger family had died after being locked in their workplace. Jurgis comes into contact with a socialist crusader who helps find a community and...
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