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Opportunities in America Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Your responses should be 500 words (no more; 400 minimum). Strive to make a clear and decisive argument in each essay by dividing it into three parts:

1. Exposition. Your first paragraph should describe the reading, and briefly explain what you have decided about the questions posed.

2. Development. The middle of your essay should explain your answer. It should offer details about the main arguments and content of the reading to support your claims. It should also offer background from Give Me Liberty!

3. Conclusion. Your last paragraph should recapitulate your argument, and add some final point that you think bolsters your perspective.

You can use phases like "in this essay I argue . . . " or "I think that . . . " or "in conclusion, I believe that . . . "

Quote a little from the readings when you find some passage that illustrates your points. Use your Give Me Liberty! textbook to provide background, or to add additional quotes. When you quote, reference your quote at the end of the sentence like this:

(Give Me Liberty!, 375) or (Voices, 96).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Opportunities in America
For years, the United States has been considered the land of opportunity by the rest of the world. However, the reality in the country has not always mirrored the expectations of the world. Opportunities have not always existed in the land, and when they existed, they were not equally distributed. It is for this reason that various presidents have emphasized on the need of providing opportunities for all Americans. Presidents Johnson and Reagan are famous for their strong words supporting the creation of a society where all have equal opportunities. Since the two presidents ruled at different times, they faced different challenges. Resultantly, they employed different approaches to campaign for the creation of equal opportunities for all. Though the economic, political, and social landscape has greatly changed since the rule of these presidents, the society still faces similar challenges to those that they sought to address. Therefore, I argue that the approaches used by the two presidents can effectively be used to tackle the inequalities in society today.
At the time of President Johnson’s address, much had been achieved by the civil right movement in its struggle to ensure racial equality. However, he believed that the heritage of slavery and segregation slowed down the progress of the struggle. He outlined how Negroes were disadvantaged in terms of employment. In the light, he argued that the freedom that all had gained in the society was not enough. Rather, equal opportun...
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