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How the Truman Administration Responded to the Perceived threat of Communist Expansion

Essay Instructions:

Chicago or Turabian Style Footnotes (must use)
Objective Tone: Do not use first or second person (I, me, we, our, etc.)
Using the primary source material in the Revel textbook and the assigned readings listed below, analyze how the Truman administration responded to the perceived threat of communist expansion. As you construct your response, be sure to consider terms such as “the Iron Curtain,” “the Truman Doctrine,” “the Marshall Plan,” and “Containment.”
For this Paper, you should use evidence from the following assigned readings:
-Primary Sources in the Fraser book on Revel: Section 24.2, “The Hardening of Positions: Containment, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and the Berlin Airlift”
-George Kennan’s 1947 Containment speech
-Churchill’s 1946 Iron Curtain speech
-1947 Truman Doctrine speech
-1947 Marshall Plan speech
-Fraser Book on Revel: Chapter 24, “The World the War Created”
-Elizabeth Edwards Spalding, “'A Growing Feeling of Certainty in the Righteousness of our Step:' The Truman Doctrine,” in The First Cold Warrior: Harry Truman, Containment, and the Remaking of Liberal Internationalism (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2006), 61-79. (available on BB)
-Ferald J. Bryan, “George C. Marshall at Harvard: A Study of the Origins and Construction of the ‘Marshall Plan’ Speech,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 21, no. 3 (Summer 1991): 489-502. (available on BB)
Only use sources that I attach as file everything is in the file. Thank you so much

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Soon after the president Truman took the presidency of United States after the sudden death of the president Roosevelt, he was sure that the Soviets were violating a previous agreement made to the president Roosevelt, and therefore he was bent on stopping the violation. He met the soviet prime minister Molotov with an aim of acting tough on the soviet to force them to honor their agreement. However, his diplomatic efforts were not successful after meeting Stalin, who was the top leader of the Soviet Union. This led him to take some drastic measures like cutting the aid given to the Soviets by the United States. However, this did not soften Stalin’s stand and instead, it made him impose communist control to new territories such as Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania. The control of the Soviet seemed to grow stronger every day to the extent that a former war hero, Winston Churchill, in a speech likened the Soviet control as an “iron curtain”, which had descended across the continent. This symbolism of an “iron curtain”, dividing Europe, was regarded as one of the main images of the cold war, triggering a call for increasing military strength to counter the seemingly worrying military system of the Soviet.
By 1946, Americans had totally lost trust with the Soviet and perceived Stalin as a dictator who could not be expected to cooperate. Therefore, Truman made a reshuffle in his administration putting in position the leaders he could trust. He also reorganized the nation’s military to enhance its strength. Later that year, a senior diplomat in the American embassy in Moscow sent a letter which was later referred as the “long telegraph” to the U.S. state department. In the letter he referred to the Soviet government as an oriental disposition in which communist ideology was a hypocritical scheme. In the letter he said that the Soviet Union was a political force, committed fanatically to the conviction that in the United States, there can be no permanent consensus that could be desirable and essential. He also anticipated that the internal harmony of the United States was bound to be destroyed, and the international authority of the United States is broken. He then recommended that the United States should implement a policy of Containment. The Containment policy meant that the United States were to recognize the Soviet Union influence where it existed. However, it should take all the necessary measures to ensure that the soviet influence did not spread into new areas in the world. This came to define the United States Foreign policy for a long time afterwards.
In 1947, Truman appointed Marshall as the secretary of the state. Marshal immediatel...
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