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Should Ethnic Studies Be Required in Education?

Essay Instructions:

Background readings:
1. Ethnic Studies Required by Nick Roberts and Mikhail Zinshteyn
2. Should Ethnic Studies be Banned in Public Schools? by Grace Chen
3. Arguments Against Ethnic Studies( http://revcom(dot)us/a/223/ethnic_studies-en.html)

Thesis statement: Your thesis should include a position on this topic with logical arguments to support your position.
Evidence: Do not use “I” in your writing. Incorporate TWO resources - one from the list provided and the other from outside the class.

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Should ethnic studies be required in education?
Ethnic studies are an essential component in education. The course examines the histories, cultures, and issues that affect different ethnic groups in America while highlighting complex issues of sexuality, gender, sexual orientation and class, and their role in American society. Its adoption in the American education system was first documented in 1960 due to social reform movements. Since then, its inclusion in the education system has faced both support and resistance as some states, such as California, adopt it, while others reject and ban it. Despite the varying opinions, Ethnic Studies should be part of the education system as they prepare students for a life in a multi-cultural society, improve students’ performance, connect students to their cultural pasts, and contribute to American History. Also, it promotes an understanding of other cultures and virtues of respect and tolerance, acts as an agent of change, helps teachers relate better with students, and empowers the students.
One of the reasons ethnic studies should be required in school is because they prepare students for a life in a multi-cultural society. With a rise in immigration to the United States, society has become increasingly diverse. Hence, to succeed in a multi-cultural workforce where the global economy is crucial, one needs knowledge on the various groups of people and how to deal with them. Ethnic studies, according to Nick and Mikhail, instill in students strong research, oral, intellectual, and critical thinking skills, which enables them, understand the complexities of a diverse U.S society (Roberts & Zinshteyn). The diversity prepares them to be competitive job seekers who are at an advantage when entering a diverse workplace. The students will have the skills to communicate and answer questions to anyone, deal with uncomfortable aspects of racism and effectively work with others.
Ethnic studies in education will improve the performance of students. According to research studies, students who take the ethnic studies course tend to improve their class attendance and perform excellently than those who do not take the class (Sleeter & Miguel 3). The improvement is because they develop a strong sense of ethnic identity. Students from minority groups often feel that they cannot achieve educational excellence as they do not identify with what they are learning or the meaning of school. However, through ethnic studies, they develop a high awareness of race and racism and high regard for their ethnicity. Thus, they learn to value themselves and commit to learning to improve their lives (Sleeter & Miguel 3-4). Similarly, by learning about their culture and History, they connect with class materials as they highlight their experiences, making them more interested in school. For instance, a research study documented that African American children in high school became intellectually engaged in their classwork when they were allowed to contribute to class discussions on civil rights leaders and racial issues (Sleeter & Miguel 4).
Ethnic studies should be a requirement in school as it helps students understand other cultures while learning respect and racial tolerance. Ethnic studies offer an all-rounded educational experience comprising the culture and history of different ethnic groups, which is a departure from the K-12 curriculum that is a singular story from the perspective of white Americans (Alejo & Lara). Hence, students learn about different cultures, contextualize the past from the groups’ views and realize their contribution to American History. Also, they get acquainted with the History of racism and the severe consequences it has had on the different ethnic group...
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