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American History: Is the Wolf's Dictionary Still in Use Today?

Essay Instructions:

In 1861 South Carolina plantation owner Thomas Drayton told his brother in a letter that the Confederacy stood for "home & liberty." Yet Drayton clearly meant the "liberty" to own slaves (Give Me Liberty!, 548). In a speech given in Maryland in 1864, Abraham Lincoln declared that this definition came from "the wolf's dictionary."

"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat," Lincoln observed, "for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty . . . " (Give Me Liberty!, 549).

Read Drayton and Lincoln's comments. Is the wolf's dictionary still in use today? If you think not, explain why. If so, can you cite an example? Your example can come from anywhere in the world. But if you use an example from the USA, please draw from your Give Me Liberty! textbook as a source.

Your responses should be 500 words and no more. Strive to make a clear and decisive argument in each essay by dividing it into three parts:
1. Exposition. Your first paragraph should describe the reading, and briefly explain what you have decided about the questions posed.
2. Development. The middle of your essay should explain your answer. It should offer details about the main arguments and content of the reading to support your claims. It should also offer background from Give Me Liberty!
3. Conclusion. Your last paragraph should recapitulate your argument, and add some final point that you think bolsters your perspective.

You can use phrases like "in this essay I argue . . . " or "I think that . . . " or "in conclusion, I believe that . . . "

Quote a little from the readings when you find some passage that illustrates your points. Use your Give Me Liberty! textbook to provide background, or to add additional quotes. When you quote, reference your quote at the end of the sentence like this:

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American History
Slavery and freedom are the two most familiar words used in the 17th to 20th century, and they referred to the revolution of slavery and liberty. It can also be seen as both metaphor and direct word that reflected happiness and misery in society depending on the skin color. “Give me Liberty” is a phenomenal book that touches on the struggles of slavery and how America institutionalized the idea. It is from this book where the “wolf dictionary” was birthed. Typically, the comparison of wolf and sheep was Abraham Lincoln’s speech in 1864 in Baltimore. It elaborated that statement by strong opening remarks, “the world has never had a good definition of liberty” (Anderegg). This paper aims to determine whether the “wolf dictionary” still exists or was repudiated.
I believe that the wolf dictionary still exists even in the modern world due to several reasons. Firstly, the “wolf dictionary” was introduced by Abraham Lincoln when he was fighting for American Union. He explains that the American troops do not need to fight domestic wars, and slavery must also end (Foner). “Give me Liberty” is a contemporary history that runs from one corner of the world to the other. Literary, the “wolf dictionary” is far much alive because slavery is still in existence only that it is modern and advanced. “The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep was a black one (Anderegg).” This statement is engraved in most monuments in America and reflects both past and current scenarios. For instance, black sheep (Black people) have not acquired their indepe...
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