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Prussian Prime Minister From 1862 To 1890

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write park2 park3 (park = part?)
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Order Urgency: 4 days
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Write the park2 park3

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Part I
Otto von Bismarck served as a Prussian prime minister from 1862 to 1890, and the creator and first chancellor of the German Empire. Bismark is renowned in history for unifying the whole Germany under his Prussia leadership and introducing reforms that industrialized it into a super power. Bismark achieved this by employing imperialist practices by holding discussions with various states. However, for those he failed to convince, he used military force to capture provinces such as Holstein from Denmark. Additionally, he instigated war among countries such as Denmark, Austria, and France, and took advantage to bring all German states together.
Rudyard Kipling was as one of the most celebrated writers of the 18th century. Born in Mumbai India, he focused on writing short stories, poems, and novels, which developed his reputation and earned him 1907, Literature Nobel Prize. These works of literature made him an icon in the literature industry by having his short stories and poems available in newspapers and magazines and read in schools all over the world. Rudyard relates to imperialism through his attitudes and poems that praised imperialism. He used them to publicize the believe that every white man who he considered civilized should spread their culture to natives he considered uncivilized.
Part II
(1a.) The industrial revolution began in England due to various reasons. First, was the presence of resources. England had verse deposits of natural resources such as iron, coal, and waterways. Coal and iron materials aided in the accentuation of use of machines, powering engines and making useful products. Waterways provided opportunity for movement of goods and were a source of power. Secondly, was reliance on agriculture. England’s economy relied on agriculture for its sustenance. As a result, the population increased; there was an influx of labor and increased savings. These factors led to the experimentation by farmers on improved methods of farming, consequencing industrial revo...
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