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Museum Paper. National Gallery of Art in Washington DC USA

Essay Instructions:


Each student will write a 3-5 page research paper after visiting a museum or cathedral. It can be about a particular work of art, an artist, a period of art, a comparison of artists or styles, architecture, basically anything that interests you. An example would be a paper comparing the National Cathedral with Gothic architecture. "

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This paper bases on National Gallery of Art in Washington DC USA

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Museum Paper
Artworks that relate to various periods have different features and styles. The variations occur in their form, composition, techniques, medium, and subject matter. The difference in the art works are aligned to the variation in technology during the times. Therefore, the work focuses on the period of arts which I observed at National Gallery of Art in Washington DC USA.
The paintings were made using thick colors and were designed several years ago when the technology had not advanced. Therefore, the colors that were used were of low quality which made the images to appear less bright. However, the sculptures in the museum were made from white shining materials. The materials make the images to be visible from a distance. Also, the outer surfaces of the sculptures are smooth and they are mounted on a thick base made of the same material and color. The sculptures seem to be delicate and are made from expensive materials. However, the paintings are thick and simple from appearance. Further, the paintings are rough and the colors are not evenly distributed throughout the work.
Similarly, the arts describe the environment during the time that they were made. The kind of clothing which is depicted in the pictures indicates how the people who lived during the time dressed. Moreover, most of the people painted in the pictures seem to be from affluent families. The individuals wear expensive cloths with several jewelries on their hands, necks, and legs. Also, the background of the paintings show the environment in which the people painted stayed. Most of the environments relate the kind of activities that were conducted during the period. The background images are seen clearly on the paintings located at the impressionist section. Most of the background images are of traditional ships and buildings which show that the period of industrial revolution. Trade was starting to develop and people were beginning to build modern structures. Also, most of the background images show bushy environment meaning that people had not cleared most of the forests for settlement. There were few settlements and people lived as a community or in groups. However, all the sculptures are made of the same material and they are shiny.
The images in the portrait pictures are aligned at the center of the paintings. Similarly, the images that are of focus are placed at the center so that a person can easily identify the objective of the painting. The portraits show the faces of people which are centrally placed. The images are made of colo...
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