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Philippine-American War. Pretend you are either a soldier.

Essay Instructions:

Pretend you are either a soldier, a sent by the U.S. government to the Philippines during the occupation of the archipelago at the turn of the 20th Century. You may address the letter either to a parent, a sibling or a friend and in it, you will explain the reasons for the occupation and whether or not you agree with these reasons. Be creative.

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Student Name
4 Hamilton Street
New York City MW6 7TE
Dear Mother,
By the time you will be reading this, I should have arrived in the Philippines, where the United States plans to carry out a siege on the capital city of Manila in efforts to acquire the whole of the Philippines as one of its colonies. My battalion, The Nebraska Volunteer Infantry Regiment has been put at the forefront of carrying out the attacks and it’s my prayer that everything goes on well. However, before I continue, how are you my dear mother? How are Dennis and Michael fairing on with their studies? I am sure your clothes making business has really picked up now and that soon you will also be making our army uniforms.
I know you have never fully embraced the idea of me joining the army considering your stout Christian belief that no man should ever kill the other when dialogue is still an option. The fact that just like Dad who went to war and never made it back, I could also suffer the same fate makes my commitment here even harder on you. However, I would like to reassure you that I have received the best possible training and I am lucky to be in a group of soldiers that look after one another and treat each other as family. We are committed to seeing our loved ones again and we will work together through anything towards that.
Well, back to my escapades here in the Philippines. Considering this is my first assignment and my first time out of the United States I am in amazement at how different life is here. As opposed to the fancy buildings, roads and schools in the United States, the infrastructure here is completely dilapidated but that can mostly be attributed to the war between the locals and the Spanish forces. The country had been under Spanish rule for quite some time and it’s only recently that the locals took up arms in efforts to gain their freedom (Kramer 41). As a result, the country has not fully recovered and looks a pale shadow of its former self. I have questioned our mission here from the moment we set foot because from my personal assessment, there isn’t much to gain from our incursion and that such efforts would only cause more harm to the people and to the already torn country. Nonetheless, a soldier should be obedient and follow all the instructions that are given to him/ her.
Some of our other forces and military units have been in the country for quite some time and their efforts have seen them take control of the other cities in the Philippines though it wasn’t so easy. The Philippines are very resilient and considering that their military prowess is significantly inferior to ours, have resorted to Guerilla tactics where they ambush, raid and sabotage our military camps mostly at night or when least expected. They have used the terrain that they know so well to their advantage and much to the disadvantage of our US forces that have been characterized by massive casualties. The fact that the Filipino forces and their Guerilla units are using very crude and primitive weapons that include bows, arrows and knives against our forces that are armed to the teeth and are managing to suppress them shows their belief and desire not to give up easily and I applaud them for that.
It’s however, said that war is never fair and that one would always use the...
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