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Most Effective Form of Resistance to Enslavement

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Most Effective Form of Resistance to Enslavement
The colonial rule was a problem for the different countries due to the increased control of different operations. The control of social, political, and economic activities by the colonizers caused resistance in the community. Enslavement was introduced to help the colonizers attain the desired macroeconomic goals by using cheap labor. However, in the early seventeenth century the community started resisting enslavement (Horne, 8). The resistance was an attempt to claim the desired freedom and rights of the slaves. Over the years, the slaves experienced increased workload and severe punishment from the slave masters. Slave resistance was the way to achieve desired personal and social goals for the slaves. The slave masters focused on the output and efficiency of work by the slaves to increase the performance of the region. The Slave trade was self-centered as the slave masters profited from the labor of slaves without giving the slaves enough pay for the work. Working in crop fields was common during the slave trade period.
Enslavement resistance focused on slowing the efficiency and output of the slaves. The main approaches that slaves used to resist enslavement were slowing work, feigning illness, starting the violence, and sabotaging production. The owners and colonial governments applied approaches that focused on reducing the rebellion by the slaves. The tobacco and rice plantation were miles apart making it hard for the slaves to communicate for a successful rebellion (Wood, 60). The enslavement resistance was crucial in the approach to getting permanent freedom from the slave masters and colonists. The growing number of slaves in America assisted in their push for freedom. According to Wood, the southern colonies were divided on the slave trade issue with Virginia and Maryland’s planters-politicians slowing on slave population (80). The problem is that the area has more slaves than they need causing the closure of the transatlantic slave trade. The increase in the number of slaves assisted in successfully trying different approaches to affect the efficiency and output negatively. The enslaved people of African descent sabotaged production and slowed workflow to demand freedom. Slaves had white sympathizers that made it possible to deal with the problem of enslavement in the community. The moral opposition to slavery and practical move to boost manpower caused problems in the different plantations. The joining of forces by slaves and white sympathizers assisted in the resistance to enslavement. According to Gates, the historic events to prove that slaves resisted enslavement are the Stono Rebellion of 1739 and The New York City Conspiracy of 1741.
The resistance to enslavement led to different rebellions to make sure that the slaves get freedom and human rights. The Ston...
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