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Plutarch’s “Parallel Lives”

Essay Instructions:

Pick any four figures from Plutarch’s Greek Lives.(Book) 
What was so significant about them? 
What did they achieve?
Why did you pick to write about them? 
Be specific.

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Plutarch’s “Parallel Lives”
“Parallel Lives” was written by Plutarch when he was nearing his death to visualize the lives of the renowned Roman and Greek politicians, soldiers, and orators. The author attempted to demonstrate the similarities between the Roman and Greek models of behavior to boost the relationship between the two nations. The information contained included details about the life cycle and accomplishments of each person. Moreover, Plutarch analyzed the similarities and differences and concluded with anecdotes and ethical reflections. He had written about twenty-two pairs of characters with similarities CITATION Edi18 \l 1033 (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica). In this paper, we shall discuss some of the crucial contributions of four of the personalities written by Plutarch.
1 Artaxerxes II
He was the Achaemenid King of Persia who governed the country as the 10th monarch of their empire from 404 to 358 BCE. His other name was Artaxerxes II Mnemon. His mother was Parysatis, also his biological sister, and his father was Darius II CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 (Mark).
1 Significant Role
Artaxerxes II was known for defeating the rebellion fueled by Cyrus’s brother, the Corinthian War, the Great Satraps Revolt, and the Theban-Spartan War (Mark; Lee).
1 Corinthian War
It was a war between Sparta versus the alliance of Athens, Argos, Thebes, and Corinth, fueled by Sparta’s current expansionist regulations. Shortly after Sparta’s triumph versus Athens during the Second Peloponnesian War, the new rules spread panic in the other Greek Cities, as Sparta steadily and increasingly gained powers. This meant that Sparta might be gaining the upper hand versus all the other cities CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 (Mark).
Artaxerxes II funded enemies of Sparta, providing them the resources that they needed. Due to this, the “other cities” gained power that superseded that of the Spartans. Eventually, Athens, one of the allied cities, could reclaim the Spartans’ territories previously obtained. When King Artaxerxes II realized that he had oversight of his actions, he made a revolution, siding with the Spartans. The rivals found a way to finish the war by implicating Artaxerxes II in creating a treaty, which led to the King’s Peace CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 (Mark).
2 The Great Satraps Revolt
Artaxerxes II’s mediation in the Corinthian War had him neglect his power over his original territories. This was secondary to the rebellion from the satraps, who were provincial governors in Ancient Persia at the time. It was a long-standing rebellion that began even before the rule of Darius, the father of Artaxerxes II. However, the lack of attention paved the way for the separation of the rule of the Persians between Upper and Lower Egypt. After the Corinthian War, Artaxerxes II was only firmly holding on to Upper Egypt because Lower Egypt was ruled by Nectanebo I, an Egyptian noble who rose into influence through the foundation of the thirtieth dynasty of Egypt, thereby announcing the country’s independence CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 (Mark).
In 373 BCE, the king decided to intervene and sent 12,000 troops to regain the land. The army consisted of Greek mercenaries and Persian regulars, lead by Iphicrates, a Greek general, and Pharnabazus, a Persian satrap and general. Due to the threat, Nectanebo I strengthened the city of Pelusium and the Nile River to prevent the entry of Artaxerxes II’s forces. However, they were able to navigate around Memphis, the previous capital of Egypt at that time, but they could not penetrate the city, as the two leaders of the troops were in a constant argument. Eventually, the troops went home without a victory at their hands. Artaxerxes II replaced Pharnabazus with Datames, but the latter decided to overthrow the king instead of completing the campaign against Nectanebo I. This marked the beginning of the Great Satrap Revolt CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 (Mark).
Datames was insulted by the directives of Artaxerxes II because the Egyptian campaign already failed and was still passed on to him. Due to this, he accepted the assistance of Nectanebo I and marched against the king. However, his objectives did not see the light, a...
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