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The Morality of Socialism: What was the God of Hegel and Hitler?

Essay Instructions:

written in times new roman-12pt,7 paragraphs(block quotes do not count as a paragraph)Each paragraph will consist of 5-7 sentences.no space between normal paragraph.
The first line of each paragraph shoulds be indented
text double spaced,except for block quotes
What was the God of Hegel and Hitler?
What was the distinctiveness of the German people over all others?
What is the Aryan race?
Who was Friedrich Nietzsche and what was his influence on Hilter
What was the purpose of Hilter,given Nietzsche
Why was the extermination of Jews considered moral under National Socialism
What forms of persuasion were used by the Nazis in inciting people to violate their conscience
Given the phrase" law above the law" from the Nuremberg trials,how does one interpret morality and from where must that morality come if it be authoritative
Ordinary men by Christopher R Browning regarding Reserve police Battalion101
https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=9hYOLG6v6Cs History File Nazi Germany:Rise of Hilter
https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ArcPzfto0y8 Adolf Eichmann
8 footnotes from at least 4 notable sources with at least one from a book.Citations must be MLA format
please include reference page

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Morality of Socialism
The Morality of Socialism
What was the God of Hegel and Hitler?
In an attempt to unify man and God, Hegel identified God as, man thus submerging God into a man. His philosophy was that of the religion of the self and identification of oneself with God would be the premise of religion. In his "spirit of Christianity "theory, Hegel counters orthodox Christian belief that God became a man through Jesus Christ but rather to him, it was a case of man became God. That the absolute self of a man is God and that when a man strives to be like God, he is only striving to be himself, and recognizing his true nature. He goes ahead to claim that man considers all things not manly to be alien because believing other beings and objects exist would absolve man from divinity and make him not infinite. It is on this premise that Hitler borrows to regard himself as a God. When hitter assumes power, he considered himself a god and is inflicted significantly by Hegel’s philosophy and view of God.
What was the distinctiveness of German over other races?
The Germans were considered master race and using the concept of Ubermensch to mean superhuman; other races were considered as sub-humans and under humans. The Nazi regime found the Nordic race and the Aryan race as the superior races, and all other races were to be subservient to it. The gypsies and the Jews were considered non-Aryan and a threat to Aryanism. They were thus supposed to be cleared to make way for a clean, superior and pure German race made of Nordic and Aryan races.
What is the Aryan Race?
The Aryan race was a group of people used by the Nazi to denote the dominant people of European heritage. The Aryan race was a mere classification of the neutral ethnolinguistic group but was later used as the premise for racial and supremacism wars in the Nazi regime. The administration labeled the Aryan race as the master race, and all other races were to be subservient to it. All other races were subjected to playing second fiddle to the Aryan race. The Nazi primary objective was to restore Germany to one superior race which was the Aryan.
Friedrich Nietzsche and his influence on Hitler
Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher born in Prussia Germany. His was a classical scholar, a critic of culture and a thinker. He is mainly credited with offering a critique to religion with the famous claim "God is dead". Work had a substantial influence on Nazi fascism. Nietzsche wrote about ubermensch, a phenomenon that would later be corrupted by the fascist to convince his followers that he supported the Nazi ideas (Ryback, 230). Hitler used skewed Nietzsche's philosophy...
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