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The Black Plague in Italy or France. How did it Happen?

Essay Instructions:

You will use at least FOUR SOURCES for this paper, 2 primary sources and 2 secondary sources. Please use in text, parenthetical citations (MLA or Chicago Styles) when you are specifically addressing this source. Do not just summarize the text; find comparisons, connections, and changes in the societies you are examining. Be sure to include your own analysis, not just the source writer’s point of view.

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The black plague
The Black Plague
Black plague also known as the Black Death is a pandemic that took place in Europe from 1348 to 1350.The plague is believed to have wiped between thirty to forty percent of Europe’s population (Aberth, 68). The plague changed the history of Europe socially, economically, politically and religiously. This paper analyses how the plague as it happened in Italy and what people said about it. It will argue its effect on social, religious and economic setting of Italy. The paper will further analyze what people say about the plague and finalize with a personal opinion to it.
History believe that the plague was brought to Italy by ships that docked at the port of Messina from Caffa. The traders are believed to have brought with them the plague that would later annihilate half of Europe’s population during the mediaeval period (Cantor, 62).The effects of the plague were catastrophic and affected medieval life in all aspects. The black plague was made up of three different plagues, bubonic, pneumonic and septicaemic (Cantor, 66). The disease was transmitted by fleas ,which would bite human beings and infect them with the deadly disease. There was an incubation period of six days after being bitten and then a pustule with inflamed red ring would form. The site of the bite would form purrs and the individual would present symptoms like flu, drop in blood pressure, sudden fever and a swelling lymph node near the affected area (Stenseth, par.6). Other than the bubonic flue, pneumonic flu was spread by means of person to person. Its incubation period was three days after which the skin turned blue and a cough with blood spectrum released. It had the highest mortality rate. Septicaemic plague also had a severe mortality rate, had no incubation period and was transmitted by flies. The victims would die after just one day of infection (Cantor, 66).
During the plague, people considered the rats, fleas and bacteria Yersinia as evil, and unholy. They had no logic...
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