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Midterm essay

Essay Instructions:

In the 19th century many people thought of the United States as a place with unlimited individual economic opportunity and a place where social equality and political democracy reigned supreme. Do you think this accurately describes real conditions in the United States between 1865 to1900? Why or why not?

Guidelines for Writing the Essays

Essays will be graded on the following criteria:

I. Organization (how well you structure your argument)

a. You should have an introductory paragraph that briefly summarizes your 

answer to the question.

b. The body of the essay should be logically organized to support your argument.

Usually a topical organization is best. For instance, if the question asks

you to talk about economics, politics, and social structure, a logical 

form of organization would be to have a paragraph on economics, 

a paragraph on politics, etc.

c. Each paragraph in the body should begin with a clear topic sentence. 

A topic sentence indicates the main point you’re making in that paragraph.

As a general rule of thumb, never start a paragraph with a statement of

fact or a quote. Your paragraph should stay focused on proving that 

central point. For instance, if you indicate in your topic sentence that

you will be making an argument about politics, don’t wander off into

talking about economics.

d. Your essay should have a clear conclusion that summarizes the main points of

your argument (your answer to the question)

II. Use of Evidence (how well you support your argument with historical facts)

a. Key assertions should be supported by specific historical facts rather than


b. Evidence should be integrated into the argument. Just throwing out facts is

not enough – you need to explain HOW the facts help prove your 


c. Facts should be CORRECT and RELEVANT. The first point is obvious.

In the second case, students often dump a large quantity of facts into

a paper without any regard to whether they relate to answering the

question. This indicates that the student doesn’t really understand the

significance of the evidence.

III. Overall Effectiveness of the Argument (Does your answer make historical sense)

a. The essay should actually make an analytical argument, not just provide a

narration of events. In history we look at not just WHAT happened in 

the past, but WHY it happened and WHY it’s significant.

b. All elements of the question should be addressed. If the question has two 

components and you only address one, that’s not a complete answer.

c. Overall, the essay should reflect a good understanding of the historical issues

being discussed, based upon the course materials. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
America underwent industrialization after the civil war in 19th century. It was during this period that many industries rose up, and the existing ones expanded at a higher rate. Industrialization in United States took place in the period 1865 to 1900. Due to high demand of labor and large supply of manufactured goods from the industries, people migrated to United States at a higher rate. Population of foreign people changed significantly from 25% in 1865 to 45% in the year 1890. Including the Native Americans, the country was viewed as the place in which economic opportunities are exploited in unlimited measures. United States was also considered as a place where social equality and political democracy had privilege. Though this was the general assumptions, things were different, and the general postulate didn’t represent the real conditions of United States specifically.
Revolution of industries brought diverse changes to the United States economy. Such changes included urbanization, growth of businesses and rise of a capitalist economy. Industrialization though brought positive economic changes; its adverse effects on the economy cannot be underestimated. However, massive negative economic effects resulted from industrialization led to separations amongst the wealthy, middle class and the unfortunate. Classes based on financial power resulted in social status that hindered social interaction of people from different status. Crowding in the main cities result in construction of slum dwellings around the main cities to accommodate the swelling population.
Capitalism took root in the industrialization period. Many entrepreneurs in 1865’s formed enterprises to exploit prevailing right conditions in the new industries of steel, electricity, chemical and automobiles. However, capitalism had begun to take root by the time industrial revolution was over. Capitalism refers to a massive political aspect in industrialization. Capitalism stimulated the advancement of manufacturing as large machineries were capital intensive, and no individual could acquire one. The weaving production was the first to come copiously under the grasp of capitalists. Capitalism enhanced monopoly of the previously existed enterprises thus hindering venture of other upcoming businesses.
Discrimination of migrants went viral. Many immigrants from different countries came to the United States seeking employment opportunities. Discrimination by the Americans was unavoidable since they competed for job positions. An illustrious case like that of Chinese workers who were stopped from working in 1905 in a railway company shows how people immigrating to United States faced discrimination. There also exhibited Discrimination of black persons in consideration of job and entrepreneurial opportunities which were always viewed as slaves at that time. According to a histological report, In 1879, two blacks were denied licenses to be suppliers of a leading manufacturing company...
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