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Intervention in Vietnam War

Essay Instructions:

2/ Intervention in Vietnam By the beginning of the 1960s the United States had been indirectly engaged in Vietnam for some time. However, American involvement had been extremely limited. In 1964, with the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, the United States formally began to ramp up its commitment of troops. Even as the decision was being made there were doubts about whether this was the right choice for our country, and these doubts grew over time. In an essay of 1000 to 1500 words compare and contrast the key arguments in these documents for and against American intervention in Vietnam. Overall, which side do you think presents a better case? Please note that these documents are the primary sources you will use in constructing your essay. You may use brief quotes from the documents below to support your assertions, but be sure that your essay is primarily in your own words.

1. National Security Action Memorandum No. 273 makes clear the resolve of the President to ensure victory over the externally directed and supported communist insurgency in South Vietnam. In order to achieve that victory, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are of the opinion that the United States must be prepared to put aside many of the self-imposed restrictions which now limit our efforts, and to undertake bolder actions which may embody greater risks.2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff are increasingly mindful that our fortunes in South Vietnam are an accurate barometer of our fortunes in all of Southeast Asia. It is our view that if the US program succeeds in South Vietnam it will go far toward stabilizing the total Southeast Asia situation. Conversely, a loss of South Vietnam to the communists will presage an early erosion of the remainder of our position in that subcontinent.

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Topic: Intervention in Vietnam War
IntroductionThe U.S. intervention in the Vietnam War was kind of devastating. It produced more positive results than the lauded controversies in uniting the South and North Vietnam. Considering that U.S. was against global Communism, which was compared to a contagious disease, it dedicated its time and resources to the war. If it took root in one nation, unprecedented spread of its radical policies would be adopted by contiguous countries.ProsSouth Vietnam was considered to be fighting for its sovereignty as a state and the independence much professed by the American faculty. Communists shunned the democracy, cared less for human rights, were militarily aggressive and created protective boundaries that limited trade with other non-Communist countries especially the Capitalists. This meant that the Vietnamese would not enjoy free trade with major world traders like the European nations and the Americas. The North Vietnam region wanted to annex the South for its benefit without much consideration of the effects of such aggression. Besides, this involvement also spread the knowledge about democracy. It is reported the people neither understood the difference between democracy and dictatorship. They were only concerned about the work they were subjected to. Therefore, they were illiterate of their basic rights and the benefits of such rights and freedom.From a rational point of view, the successive U.S. administration dedicated much of their time and resources to the war. This would create a firm belief in the U.S. policies and treaties. As the war progressed, inertia had developed for the parties involved in the war to withdraw. But to the U.S. government of the time, this meant victory for the Communists and would also depict untrustworthiness of the U.S. in keeping its part of the bargain in treaties. Allies or not, the credibility of the U.S. government was at stake. President Lyndon Johnson even backed the fact that the wellbeing of the people in the world lived solely in the belief of having a shoulder, the U.S., to rely upon when they were attacked.In bid to restore peace and order in the Vietnam region, the U.S. government signed pact, together with nations like France, to protect the rights and independence of the South Vietnamese. Evidence presented show that the aggressors had training bases in the North and their infiltration into the South was coordinated in Hanoi. This increased tensions between the two regions. It is compared to a kingdom fighting itself since the South and the North were part of the larger united Vietnam nation. Allowing the Communists to use the North to conceal their mission would have created a tense non-democratic region and the eventual Victory of the Communist. The entry of the U.S. restored a ‘bit’ of peace in the region and the ultimate reunification of the South and the North to the today’s Vietnam. Even in creating a viable government by President Ngo Dinh Diem, he suppressed the opposition; giving no chance for them to voice their concerns, whether p...
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