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Financial and Political impact of slavery on America from 1700 to 1865

Essay Instructions:

Make sure it is 100% plagiarized free. Cite 3 different sources. Can be up to 5 citations if needed. Question 3 is the main question. I would like the argument that it did make economic sense. 

1. What arguments were made by its proponents? 

2. What were the arguments against it? 

3. Did the existence of slavery make economic sense? (Main Question) 

4. Could slavery have been ended without resorting to war?

5. Can the racial issues that we still face today be linked directly to slavery? (I want this answer to be yes)

6. If so, should African-Americans today receive financial remuneration for the wrongs that existed then? (I would like this answer to be no)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Financial and Political Impact of Slavery on America from 1700 to 1865
Slavery occurred for thousands of years, in all sorts of societies and all parts of the world. To envision human social life without it required an unexpected effort. Its proponents advanced various ideas as to why it was not supposed to be abolished. They said that slavery was ordinary. People vary, and they expected those who were superior in a convinced way, for instance, intellect, morality, knowledge or capacity for fighting will make themselves the masters of those who are inferior in this respect.
They also believed that every society on earth has slavery. The unspoken effect is that every society must have slavery. The omnipresence of an institution seems to many people to institute captivating proof of its obligation. The slaves are not capable of taking care of themselves. They also believed that without rulers, the slaves will die off. They were of the opinion that where the ordinary people were free, they were even worse off than slaves (Vorenberg 124).
Getting rid of slavery would juncture considerable bloodshed and other evils in the society. In the United States, many people presumed that the slaveholders would never license the termination of the slave system without an all-out fight to preserve it. Without slavery, the former slaves would begin stealing, killing, and causing chaos. The proponents believed that protection of social order therefore ruled out the abolition of slavery (Vorenberg 124).
The opponents of this trade argued that it made the most fundamental level of negative cultural impact on many family units. The shock of losing young family members, people removed from the social frameworks that depended upon them to fulfill roles and deliver continuity, took countless toll on the affected areas. The slave trade further hurt many aspects of African cultures through a heightened emphasis on guns and conflict.
The threat of slave raids placed many African peoples in states of aggression to either obtain slaves for European traders or avoid being invaded themselves. The influx of Europeans in the Americas had brought sicknesses that devastated local populations, which reduced the probable for securing labor from that source; and often too few Europeans came to the Americas to meet the request for work. The opponents of slavery pointed out these reasons as to why it should be abolished.
Slavery made enormous economic sense and helped build the American economy in many ways. African peoples were captured and conveyed to Americas to labor. Most European colonial economies in the Americas from the 16th through the 19th century were dependent on caged African labor for their endurance.
According to European colonial administrators, the abundant land they had concealed in the Americas was useless without adequate labor to exploit it. Slavery systems of labor exploitation were favored, but neither European nor Native American bases proved satisfactory to the chore.
The trans-Saharan slave trade had long provided enslaved African labor to work on sugar plantations in the Mediterranean together with white slaves from Russia. This same trade also directed as many as 10,000 slaves a year to assist owners in North Africa and the Middle East.
Having demonstrated themselves as competent workforces in Europe and on promising sugar plantations on the Madeira Island off the coast of Africa, enslaved Africans became the labor force of excellence in the Western Hemisphere so much so that they became the irresistible majority of the colonial inhabitants of the Americas. Of the 6.5 million settlers who survived the crossing of the Atlantic and settled in the Western Hemisphere between 1492 and 1776, only 1 million were Europeans. The remaining people were Africans. An average of 80 percent of these enslaved Africans was working.
More than half of the enslaved African prisoners in the Americas were employed on sugar plantations. Sugar developed into the leading slave-produced product in America. Between the 16th and 17th centuries, Brazil conquered the production of sugarcane. One of the earliest large-scale industrial industries was established to convert the juice from the sugarcane into sugar, molasses, and eventually run, the alcoholic beverage of choice of the triangular trade (Bunett et all. 114). Ironically, the incomes made from the sale of these properties in Europe, as well as the trade in these merchandises in Africa, were used to purchase more slaves.
During the 18th century, the number of slaves transported to the island of Haiti totaled more than twice the number introduced into the United States. The massive majority came during the 18th century to work in the mounting sugar plantation economy.
It is because the work-related distribution of slaves reproduced the nature of the economy and society of the South, an area that was agrarian and rural with little development and growth compared to the North.
Regardless of the jobs that slaves did, slavery on the whole was lucrative. The expense of planters for housing and feeding slaves was significantly less than the value they created. Approximations vary, but costs associated with the upkeep of one field hand were probably half the value of the income the master conventional from the slave's labor. Profitability increased progressively in the first half of the nineteenth century, as prices for cash crops increased and the cost of keeping slaves at the persisted level. The slaves themselves became a useful asset. As cotton production expanded, and the demand for slaves enlarged, their prices rose consequently.
The uppermost prices were paid for “prime field hands,” usually healthy young men in their la...
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