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Mental Disability Approaches and Asylums for Mental Illnesses

Essay Instructions:

Follow the directions below.

“I. Mini-Essay: Prepare a response for the following:

-this is to be one full page.

-the answer to these questions for this portion are attached in the files in the PowerPoint that is attached as History 174 week 1 sidelines.

-you can use the power page for your citation. No need for other citations for this section.

Prepare a brief essay in which you discuss how the study of disability can broaden the academic study of history. Why have recent scholars called for examining disability as a “social construct” and for viewing disability as a “category of analysis” alongside the categories of race, class, gender, and sexuality? Why do these contemporary scholars find the traditional “medical model” approach to disability lacking? What criticisms have been levied against the new “social construct” approach? What is your view of the “new disability history” as it has been called? As you fashion your response, reference some of the insights expressed by Kim Nielsen in her article “Historical Thinking and Disability History” which we read in class.

II. Essay.

-Prepare a response for two of the following. This is 2 1/2 pages per response. So a total of 5 pages for this section. 2 sources minimum each response.

-use the other attached files as citations. Try to do two citations per response. So a total of 4 for this section.

-you may use some outside citations but please try to use the files attached first. Thank you!!

-when I asked students in my class what PowerPoints the answers for the four prompts below are in they said, “ It's basically each week is an essay topic. Like prompt 1 goes with week 2 (bc the first week is the mini essay) and so on. There may be sometimes it deviates from this, but basically each week is an essay topic. There's not like parts to each essay spread across every week. He has it based chronologically really well. “

Select two of the following to respond to. (Please put the number of the prompt

you are responding to before your essay, and remember 2 1/2 pages per response):

1. Prepare an essay in which you describe how mental disability was approached in the American colonial and revolutionary eras, from roughly 1607-1815. How did colonial perspectives on mental disability differ? In what ways were they similar? Specifically, how did Native Americans approach “disability”? What about American colonists in the British Colonies? In what way(s) were African- American slavery and disability linked? How did enslaved African Americans respond to mental disability in their communities? What was the impact of the American Revolution on approaches to disability?

2. Explore the origins and evolution of American mental asylums in the 19th century. How was the growth and expansion of mental asylums related to industrialization? How did the approach of mental asylums shift from one of optimism for recovery earlier in the century toward one of custodial care by the end of the century? What role did architecture play in the function of mental asylums? Why did some reformers begin to advocate for specialized education for the intellectually disabled and how did this optimism for specialized education turn into pessimism by the end of the century? Incorporate insights from Carla Yanni’s Architecture of Madness as you craft your response.

3. What role did race, gender, class, and ethnicity play in classifying mental illness? What type of mental-health care did Native Americans receive, for example, in the Hiawatha or Canton Asylum in South Dakota? What mental diagnoses were ascribed to women? How did Social Darwinism which was followed by the rise of the Eugenics Movement by the early twentieth century influence American culture and immigration policy, specifically in regard to psychiatric and intellectual disability? Incorporate insights from the course readings to enhance your essay.

4. Give examples of individuals and their efforts to expose, improve, or reform life for mentally disabled Americans or to expose or improve conditions in mental asylums in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Provide examples of specific reformers (former patients, journalists, activists etc.) and where possible, cite and incorporate material from their own writings into your essay. Describe
 how each individual advocated for reform.”

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask !

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name
Course Code and Title
Due Date
Part I
Disability Study Impacts on History Study
The study of disability can widen the academic study of history in various ways. When studying disabilities from a wider cultural and social context, historians discover that people have become older and the country has encountered major trends and events, like western expansion, urbanization, wars, industrialization, and the general use of airplanes and automobiles. In addition, studying various disabilities, including sensory, intellectual, physical, and psychiatric, incorporates Americans' history or past lived experiences. Consequently, these disability studies increase the academic study of history as the bottom-up history fits well with the new social account.
Recent scholars called for assessing disability as a social construct and perceiving it as a category of analysis like sexuality, gender, class, and race for a specific reason. They argue that people should understand disability in the light of the cultural and social context in a person's life but not as a personal attribute or a condition to be cured or treated (“Disability History” 4). Contemporary scholars find a medical model approach to disability lacking since this traditional model is too limited, and it treats individuals with disabilities as being passive because it perceives disability as a problem to be cured or treated (“Disability History” 3). Furthermore, it fails to account for the economic dislocation and social stigma that disabled people mostly encounter.
Scholars have levied some criticism against the new social construct approach. Some argue that a broader cultural and social approach connects the histories of different individuals who never felt an inter-connectedness sense. For instance, a group of individuals with psychiatric disabilities are linked together but may fail to have similar experiences or capacities and thus should not be regarded as one group (“Disability History” 8). Other critics further argue that the new approach perceives disability as a cultural and social construction, thus devaluing the disabled Americans' lived experiences since they have daily challenges and experiences lacking in non-disabled individuals (“Disability History” 9). I highly perceive the new disability history since it studies the cultures and lives of disabled people rather than categorizing them based on treatments or identifiers. Therefore, it considers individuals with disabilities rather than erasing them.
Part II
Prompt 1
Mental Disability Approaches
People conceived and approached mental disabilities differently than the current and revolutionary perceptions in the American continent. Different groups in the colonial era, including the West Africans, Europeans, and Native Americans, approached, responded, and experienced mental disabilities in specific ways in their communities. Native Americans had a life and care approach to mentally-disabled individuals in the community, even during the revolutionary era. Even if some independent Americans established institutions to care for disabled people, Native Americans preferred to care for their disabled loved ones rather than transferring them to the facilities (“Mental Disability” 5). They lacked a particular concept or word for disability. Native Americans perceived that all people in the communities had a manner in which they could help the tribal community, like making pottery. These individuals include those regarded as intellectually or psychiatric disabled today (“Mental Disability” 4). Conversely, American Colonists in the British colonies had an economical approach to disability as they regarded disabled individuals as undesirable lunatics and idiots that caused an economic burden to their families (“Mental Disability” 7). They approached disability differently since they never regarded individuals that could perform labor as physically disabled, even if they were blind or deaf (“Mental Disability” 6). Due to the economic approach, British colonies forced strangers and immigrants entering town to leave if they could not cater to their financial needs.
Furthermore, the European colonists conceived disability as a threat to the social structure of the society. Consequently, colonies passed laws where the community would care for poor individuals considered insane and mentally disabled individuals. Unfortunately, some states exiled enslaved individuals with disabilities into the woods (“Mental Disability” 12). On the other hand, enslaved African Americans perceived European settlers as naturally superior due to the slavery system. The slavery idea of enslaved people as being intrinsically disabled linked disability and African American slave trade (“Mental Disability” 10). Furthermore, some colonists argued that African Americans must be enslaved to prevent mental disabilities. They claimed that pseud-medical reasons caused the mental and physical characteristics of disabilities (“Mental Disability” 11). Besides, the difficulties and inhumanity of slavery caused individuals to incur mental and physical disabilities.
Enslaved African Americans approached mental disabilities treatment by consulting root doctors since they perceived evil spirits as the causes of their mental illnesses. Likewise, some Native Americans conceived disabilities as origins of community insights and wisdom, while others regarded them as supernatural possession (“Mental Disability” 5). Some community members perceived mental disabilities as a conflict between spirit, body, and mind, and treatments aimed to restore harmony. However, Native Americans re-integrated those with acquired disabilities from wars to contribute to community work. Similarly...
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