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Social and Personal Responsibility of Samuel Morse

Essay Instructions:

Social and Personal Responsibility Paper

(100 points)


• Social Responsibility: Students will demonstrate intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities

• Personal Responsibility: Evaluate choices and actions of others or one’s own, and relate consequences to ethical decision-making

• Develop, interpret, and express ideas on a History 1301-related topic through written communication

• Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources



Create an argument using primary historical evidence and secondary sources on a chosen topic. The essay MUST include at least 1 primary source and at least 2 secondary sources. (In the Assignment folder in Content is a document that defines primary and secondary sources.)

In addition, to writing an argument, this paper MUST include a section that discusses the social and personal responsibility (see description in Objectives above) of the individual involved. Did the person act socially responsible? Personally responsible for his/her actions? Were their actions ethical?

Topics (choose one; you do not need to email me your choice except for #5)

1. John Brown. Discuss his actions in Kansas and at Harper’s Ferry.

2. Eli Whitney. Discuss his invention of the cotton gin.

3. Clara Barton. Discuss her most notable achievements. What reform movements was she involved with?

4. Samuel Morse. Discuss his contributions toward the development of the telegraph. What were his political views and his views on slavery?

5. Harriet Tubman. Discuss her contributions and involvement with the Underground Railroad and with the Union Army.

6. Additional topics – if you have a person or topic that you would prefer to research and write about, you MUST get it approved by your instructor. Email me your request by April 9.

Specific Content

For your topic, use the following guidelines:

1. Introduction. Introduce the person and their major achievements (do not go into detail – that will come in the body or main sections of the paper). Then, make an assertion about the person’s actions – did the person act ethically or not – your answer is the argument you will make in the paper.

2. Main section of the paper:

• Discuss the person’s achievements using primary and secondary sources to support your ideas.

• Discuss the effects that the person’s achievements had on their communities and those around them. What were the consequences of their actions? Who did their actions affect and how?

Use sources throughout to support your information and assertions about the person. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s name
Professor’s name
Course name
Samuel Morse was an American inventor and painter famous for his contributions to the invention of the telegraph and the development of Morse code. Morse code is a system of dots and dashes communicating over long distances. Morse was a pioneer in the development of this technology and its practical application (Tracy Nelson Maurer, p 2). Through his work, Morse enabled communication between distant locations, helping to revolutionize the way people communicated over long distances. His work not only changed how people communicated but also helped bring together different cultures and nations by allowing them to communicate with one another (Tron, p 4).
Samuel Morse's Achievements
Morse's most important invention was the telegraph, a revolutionary device allowing instant long-distance communication (“Texas Archival Resources Online”, p 2). In 1844, he successfully demonstrated the first telegraph line between Washington D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland, and soon after began to establish other lines throughout the country. The telegraph revolutionized how people communicated and enabled businesses to conduct transactions over long distances (Tron, p 7). Morse also developed a system of communication known as Morse code. This system used dots and dashes to represent letters, numbers, and symbols that could be transmitted over the telegraph. Morse code quickly became a standard form of communication and was used extensively during World War I and World War II.
Morse was also a prominent political figure and an influential leader in developing the telegraph. He was an ardent supporter of the Union during the American Civil War and was a vocal opponent of slavery. He argued for establishing a national telegraph system in Congress and went on to help create one, working with the U.S. Patent Office to secure patents for the new technology (Tracy Nelson Maurer, p 6). After the war, he lobbied for creating a national telegraph line connecting all parts of the United States. He was also an advocate for the rights of inventors and played a key role in the passage of the Patent Act of 1836. In addition to his political and scientific achievements, Morse was also a respected painter, and his works are on display in museums worldwide. Morse was also an accomplished artist. He had a passion for painting and was a skilled portraitist. He painted many prominent figures, including President Abraham Lincoln and the Marquis de Lafayette (“Texas Archival Resources Online”, p 3).
Morse also devoted much of his life to philanthropy, focusing on causes that furthered education and scientific research (“Texas Archival Resources Online”, p 5). He provided generous financial support to the American Red Cross, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the New York University School of Arts and Sciences he founded. He also established the Morse Foundation, which provided grants to support scientific research, higher education, and charitable causes. Morse was a major donor t...
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