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Israel And The Arab Neighbors Research Assignment Paper

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Israel and the Arab neighbors
Taking place between the 5th of June and the 10th of the same month in the year 1967, the Six Day War is also referred to as the June war (HISTORY.com). This is relative to the fact that this was a war that fought in the month June. It is also referred to as the Third Arab-Israel War. Despite the simplicity in the name of the war, this is was one of the pivotal points in the history of the Middle East. Prior to the start of the war, there had been some fledging attacks which were carried out by Palestinian guerrillas which were based largely in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. These then led to some very costly Israeli reprisals. In the month of November in the year 1966, Israel launched a strike on the Al-Samu village along the Jordanian West Ban. The strike left 18 dead and another 54 injured. The progressively deteriorating situation between Israel and Syria also became quite volatile leading to the developments of the battle that ensured between the two countries in April of 1967. In this battle, Israel brought down six of the Syrian MiG fighter jets. At the same time, the intelligence reports that were coming from the Soviet Union at the time also pointed to Israel having plans to attack Syria. Although largely inaccurate, this together with the attacks prompted a domino effect in the region with most of neighbors to Israel planning attacks. The Egyptian president at the time, Gamal Abdel Nasser came under sharp criticism for not assisting Syria and was accused of hiding behind United Nations Emergency Force. In the month of May on 14th of 1967, Nasser made a move to mobilize Egyptian forces in Sinai and requested the removal of the UNEF stationed at the border. He later closed the Gulf of Aqaba and a blockade of the city port in southern Israel, Elat. Later on in May 30th King Hussein of Jordan came to Cairo and pledged alliance, which then followed Iraq. Following the alliances that the Arab countries were now forming, Israel made a sudden and preemptive strike on the morning of 5th of June on the Egyptian forces using an air assault. This was one of the effective strikes that led to the destruction of more than 90 percent of the Egyptian forces (Rothman, Lily). A similar strike was launched on Syria’s forces. Within the first three days, Israel had already achieved an overwhelming victory against the enemies on the ground front. On the 7th of June, Israel mounted an attack on the Jordanian forces forcing them out of the East Jerusalem and most parts of the west bank. On the 7th, the UN Security Council called for a seize fire, where both Israeli and the Egyptians agreed to the same, leaving out Syria that continued to bomb the northern villages of Israel. On the 9th of June Israel, mounted an attack that would see the Golan Heights captured from the Syrians. It was only after this that the Syrians accepted the seize fire. The conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis began in the 1920s and escalated into a civil war from the 1940s onwards (Rothman, Lily). There are different elements of the conflict in the Middle East and one of them is with regard to Israeli and the Pakistanis. This is a conflict that is dated back to the year 1948, with the establishment of the state of Israel. This was relative to the intercommunal violence. In the case of Israel and Egypt, the relations have been strained and they can be traced back to the 1948 after the formation of Israel and Pakistan (Bauman, Kris Arthur). Like the other two, Syria and Israel have been in a state of war since the year 1948, having taken part in three wars to date namely, 1948 Arab Israeli War, 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War (Bowen, Jeremy). There have been other wars after these causing a deteriorating situation in the region. Israel and Jordan have had a much more cordial relation starting in the year 1994 after a peace treaty. In light of the tension within the region, there have been other two wars. The first was in the year 1948 labelled the first Arab-Israel War, which was after the establishment of Israel as a state and the Arab nations invaded. The second Arab Israel War broke out in the year 1956, when Israel, Great Britain and the French mounted an assault to try and bring a regime change and depose Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Thesis statement: Israel won the war on three main premises, which included the motivation for the war, high efficiency in their political system as well as the risky military strategies that they used.
The conflict in the Middle East between the Israeli and the Arab nations has been for quite some time now. Most of the conflicts can be traced back to the time that Great Britain established Israel as a nation. However, much of the indifference is much older (Bauman, Kris Arthur). Between Israel and the Pakistan, the conflict can be traced to the time that Israel was established in the year 1948. Since then, the two countries have never had the chance to establish any diplomatic relations whatsoever. Even though Israel has signed a number of agreements such as with Egypt in the year 1978, PLO of the year 1993 and the Jordanian agreement of the year 1994, there have not been any changes in the Pakistan policies. In fact, there have been a number of instances where Pakistan have been involved in the arming of Arabs to rise against Israel claiming that they do not recognize it as a nation (Rothman, Lily).
This is an indication of the disregard of Israel as a nation and even for the peace treaties that have been signed in the region to try and foster cordial relations. To this day, Pakistan remains an enemy of Israel and will take any chance it gets to support or carry out attacks on Israel (Blade, Elizabeth). As such, there is a theme of hatred that can be read from the relationship that has existed between the Israeli and the Pakistanis (Office of the Historian). The later have taken part in some of the major wars that have taken place in the Middle East against the Israel ("Israel And The Arab World Their Contribution To Mankind"). One of the wars that the Pakistani have been involved fighting the Israeli is the Six Day War, which broke out on the 5th of June and ended on the 10th of the same month (HISTORY.com). In this war, the Pakistani did not win as Israel launched a surprise attack that overwhelmed all the Arab nations that were taking part in the conflict (Office of the Historian). This was a war that was designed to oust the Israel in their main land claiming they were not a nation and they should not be recognized (Yegar, Moshe). They two parties have also been involved in the Yom Kippur War, which took place in the year 1973 (Rabinovich, Abraham). Other parties to the war were Egypt and Syria. Most of the areas where the fighting took place was in Sinai and Golan Heights which had been captured by Israel during the Six Day War. This was a war that claimed quite a number of soldiers from the attacks and counter attacks.
Egypt on the other hand had quite a number of major conflicts with Israel. The first one was the First Arab War which took place between 1948 and 1949 ("Wars Between Egypt And Israel"). Together with other nations such as Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, they fought against the formation of the new nation, Israel. Then followed the confrontation that ensured after Egypt seized an Israeli ship named Bat Galin in the summer of 1954, as it attempted to enter Suez Canal (Office of the Historian). In the following year, Israel also raided Gaza in a series of attacks as a retaliation for the attack on the ship coming through the Suez Canal (Rothman, Lily). This was then followed by the Suez War that took place in the year 1956 where France and the Great Britain combined forces with Israel to attack Egypt as part of a plan to overthrow the sitting government ("Wars Between Egypt And Israel").
The other war that followed is the Arab Israeli War of 1967. This is also referred to as the Six Day War, where the Arab neighbors to Israel attacked the latter. In the war, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria also joined in. In the year that followed and up to 1970, came the War of Attrition, where the two nations were involved in low level attrition. Then came the Arab Israel War of the year 1973, which is also referred to as Yom Kippur (Rabinovich, Abraham). Both Egypt and Syria launched an attack in Sinai and Golan parts of the Israel villages.
Since the establishment of the Israel nation in the year 1948, both Syria and Israel have been in state of war ("Wars Between Israel And Syria: From 1948 To The Present"). Since the year 1948, there have been three major wars between these two nations, including the 1948 Arab Israel War ("Wars Between Israel And Syria: From 1948 To The Present"). This was then followed by the 1967 Six Day War and then the Yom Kippur War of 1973 (Rabinovich, Abraham). Looking at the nations that have fought with Israel on the accounts of motivation, there is an aspect of legitimacy that is involved. For Israel, these have been wars for survival while the Arabs have been on profit gains.
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