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Reviewing American Legacy Through the Frontier, Asians, and Terrorists

Essay Instructions:

Project #2
Worth: 25 points
Discuss three issues or topics that we approached this semester that have had an impact on you. These can be topics that you previously knew about, but changed your opinion: enhanced your previous opinion: OR something you never even knew to think about before. In your discussion of the topic be sure to reference articles (remember give the name of the author name), class discussion, films (name the film) and guest speakers. This is "open book" so by all means: use your notes and assigned articles. Even though this is an academic writing you can use first person pronouns.
Introduction (2 points)
Introduce the three topics you have chosen
Topic 1 (6 points)
Why did you choose this topic?
What did you learn?
Use examples from class discussion, guest speakers, films, presentations, articles.
Topic 2 (6 points)
Why did you choose this topic?
What did you learn?
Use examples from class discussion, guest speakers, films, presentations, articles.
Topic 3 (6 points)
Why did you choose this topic?
What did you learn?
Use examples from class discussion, guest speakers, films, presentations, articles.
Conclusion (5 points)
Your concluding thoughts about the topics
Your concluding thoughts about the class
How has this class influenced you
Will the class affect your future behavior and decisions? Why or Why not?
The Logistics:
Times New Roman Font/12 point/1 inch margins
If you refer to or quote one of the articles or films we read/watched for class be sure to include the author name, article title, and page number.
If you use outside resources please cite them and include a bibliography using MLA style.
Topic 1: Frontier Women. Reference resources: Frontier Women
Topic 2: Asian American. Reference resources: 1. Asian American 2. The film: The Hangover. Mr. Chow https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=QF_EqxugeUM
Topic 3: Terrorists. Reference resourses: 1. guest speech A man who named Graeme Wood came to the class and talked about the terrorist attack in Losvagas. He mentioned that after 12 hours, ISIS admitted to be responsible for this attack and there was no evidences be found that the attack was planned by ISIS and this behavior proved that ISIS is weaker and has to use such way pretend making terrorist attack. He also talked about the right of having a gun. Please relate the terrorist with different races of American. 2. Terrorists ppt.
Please reference the files I provide in the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reviewing American Legacy Through the Frontier, Asians, and Terrorists
Having this course was a really educative stage of my life such that I have learned many new perspectives about our modern society and it has inspired me to hold the new values and responsibilities of holding these knowledge. The three topics that have taken my utmost interest are the importance of the Frontier in American History, the presence of Asian American Citizens in the US, and the influence of terrorists in the modern settings of society. These topic will present a flow of ideas as to what are the current issues in national status, what kinds of problems and how we can promote solutions to the seemingly endless plagues of darkness and ills in society. The American Frontier offers a background of knowing history and the preceding topics are relevant in the current collective consciousness of humanity as a planet. I believe that these topics can educate us in our tolerance and acceptance that we are all one humanity and it is in our hands and our wills to heal and improve society.
The American Frontier is one of the undeniable roots of our being in today’s modern era. It has served us in the purpose of building the nation and setting it in history. Women have a very large part in it. Through the acts of the first ancestors of Americans, their population have taken on the journey of settling in a new land that would be capable of sustaining the life of a future great society. Waves of American Expansion comprised the American Frontier. Through time, more and more English colonial settlements were placed in the region of a European-American boundary of settlement. These lands were previously Indian lands, west of the Mississippi River; today it is called Midwest, Texas, the Rocky Mountains, The Southwest, The Great Plains, or the West Coast CITATION Eli93 \l 1033 (Jameson). It was in these areas that Early West Civilization came from. It was women who comprised of large percentages of the workforce that improved economic trade and made it possible for America to grow rich. The American populations slowly grew in number as their power and control over the land and over the resources increased. Through their trade and through their institutional systems, the Americans were able to build a society that is working and great. The American Frontier was an era of massive migration and settlement and was generally an effect of the Colonial mindset of the countries in that period. The frontier is popularly known and described by the term “Manifest Destiny” of the American people. CITATION Fre83 \l 1033 (Turner)
In the 19th and 20th Century, the popularity of the Western United States increased as it was a trend in global media. The history of America was romanticized in the elements of its anarchy and violent history and added to a great dramatic value of how America is known to the world. This influenced media including music and film and gave way to American and Cowboy themed products such as toys and books. The Old West or The Wild West was a trend among many audiences around the globe, noting that during these times, photographs, drawings, and books were the primary source of content and information. Women played a very important role in nation building and creation of the institutions for America to rise. CITATION Eli93 \l 1033 (Jameson)
The frontier is a very significant era as it holds the blossoming of communities and the stories of how people fought for and defended their integrity as a people. It contains the stories of our geographical background, the development of economy and markets and the rise of social institutions. It is a conquest of a new life, of perseverance and survival through different obstacles that inspired people to merge and pass on a unique culture that birthed the continuing life of America. The American frontier contained complex elements that allowed forth a nation to thrive and strive for a better and brighter future, ever chasing toe value of greatness and freedom CITATION Fre83 \l 1033 (Turner).Through the compromise of different people, such as Americans and native tribes, politics, military missions, and emergence of government and global economic trade and relations, America was able to rise as a strong force in the global environment.
Many kinds of people were involved in the American Frontier. Many non-English groups of people also rode this period of migration such that it created an America that was populated by a mix of races. The people include Asians, Africans, Irish, German, Japanese, and many other population class. Although the majority of the American population is white, there are still a significant number of non-Whites in the country. In popular American media, there is an increasing port...
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