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The Introduction of Yönae or Romantic Relationship in Korea's Society

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The Introduction of Yönae or Romantic Relationship in Korea's Society
The modern individual can publicly show love feelings in romantic relationships. Males and females have the freedom to fall in love and show it to the people around them without limitations. In return, society is supposed to recognize and appreciate the associations. Although love still existed before its acceptance in society, it was not shown publicly like in the modern community settings. Customs and norms limited people. However, the cultural and social beliefs changed gradually. Some countries like Japan acquired new ideas that gradually spread to other nations, including Korea. The people in these countries adopted and endorsed them. Thus, men and women could engage in love romantic relationships. They also used the values to spread the noble emotion to all people despite their differences in gender, an aspect contributing to equality even in the formation of relationships between varying sexes. The attained equality secured women better positions in society. For instance, Na Hye-so˘k in Kyo˘nghu˘i got the opportunity to pioneer life as an individual woman. The noble idea of love in romantic relationships was a significant evolution to the modern community where people (males and females) could publicly love each other without discrimination based on aspects like gender.
Various communities globally realized and knew about love in different times and ways. They also used varying vocabularies to describe it. According to Kim (114), the Koreans used Yönae as a modern vocabulary to describe the feelings between men and women. The word was also used during the colonial period to depict social and cultural changes in the community. The changes included restructuring the family system, increased attention to the human inner self, a new interest in modern literature and art, and the growth of modern urban culture (Kim 114). Problems like colonization did not limit people, especially women, from adopting the changes occurring them. They embraced and made the best they could out of them. Hye-so˘k did not allow the Japanese colonial period’s turbulent period in Korea to take over her life and dreams. She held on to her skills as an artist and a writer despite the difficulties during colonization. The evolution was significant to modern people. They got a chance to engage and experience life differently.
However, romantic relationships still existed in the past. But they were not recognized and did not have a name. Beliefs limited the spread and realization of romantic relationships in society, where they were not among the socially accepted norms and customs. However, the evolution and introduction of modernization changed people’s approaches, resulting in a gradual acceptance. Also, literate individuals like Hye-so˘k benefitted from progressive education. They had better opportunities of grasping new techniques, incorporating them into their lives, and campaign for the people around them to have similar mindsets. The concept of Yönae appeared in modern times (Boduerae 186). Therefore, the idea of love is a modern phenomenon that first appeared in some countries and then spread to others throughout the world. For instance, modernization in Korea occurred in a slow course, with most conceptual words introduced through Japan. Eventually, the individuals in the modern world embraced love, where males and females learned to publicly associate with each other in their romantic relationships.
Christianity helped in the accommodation and strengthening of love relationships after their introduction. Although love was already present and practiced in Korea, it only spread well to a vast population after relating the idea with Christianity. Involvement in Christianity demanded love for God and fellow human beings (Boduerae 190). This virtue placed more value on love. People found even more and better reasons to be involved in romantic love relationships. If the idea originated and is commanded by God, the individuals believing in this God must adhere to the teaching. Compromising love in relationships could mea...
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