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South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification (1832)

Essay Instructions:

These will be based on one primary source document of your choosing from Chapters 9-10 found in the documents reader, For the Record, that came as a companion to the textbook. (A primary source is something generated at or near the time of the event under examination.) The primary source document will be followed by Review Questions. Use those questions to guide your prose/essay response. Do not simply respond with bulleted or numbered answers. Again, the expectation for this assignment is college level analysis and writing. Make sure you have all the appropriate citations and a works cited. Include an accurate word count at the end of the essay that does NOT include footnotes or works cited. After carefully proofreading and checking that the word count is a minimum of 300 words, upload the PSJ to the assignment link before it closes on the given due date. Only RTF, DOC, or DOCX files will be accepted. Be sure to label your paper with the title of the document you chose. Each PSJ is worth 50 points.Avoid plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
South Carolina’s Ordinance of Nullification (1832)
In the 1820s, the northern parts of the United States were becoming more industrialized while the southern parts continued to rely on agriculture. Congress passed a protective tariff that supported the north in 1828. This infuriated the south because the new tariff imposed supported the southern parts only. The Ordinance of Nullification was pushed through Congress by Henry Clay and was enacted as part of the law on November 24, 1832.
Question 1
South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification occurred due to the conflict over the 1828 tariff. Herein, South Carolina was undergoing an agricultural depression when Congress passed what was referred to as the Tariff of Abominations. It was believed that the Tariff protected northern manufacturing at their expense (Emory and Mayer 250, par.1). It was hypothesized that states could nullify national legislation that they deemed unconstitutional and outlined a procedure for such an action.
Question 2
In January 1830, Senator Foot from Connecticut tabled a proposal to prohibit the land sale in the West. Robert Hayne of South Carolina joined him. His prayer was that southern advocacy regarding the sale of cheap lands would force the West to advocate for low tariffs proposed by the South. This debate over land policy quickly expanded to be one of national power. Supporters and opponents from both sides of the government joined their forces. President Jackson disagreed with the then vice president concerning the same issue, which led to a new cabinet made of the president's adherents. A new vice president w...
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