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Inca Empire and How it Impacted History

Essay Instructions:

A strong introduction provides an opportunity to capture the reader's attention with a “hook.” It also indicates what the paper will be about and how the author will approach the topic.

Thesis statement
Focus the paper on one controlled main idea (thesis statement). To effectively do this, transform the research question into a thesis statement.

Body of the Paper
Construct meaningful paragraphs with supportive analysis, drawn from the research conducted from in the Annotated Bibliography
*Remember to be mindful of transitions. Lead the audience along, making logical transitions between paragraphs and ideas. The object of an essay is to communicate the entire message, to induce the reader to continue to the end. Rather than write paragraphs that stand alone like a line of index cards, the best technique is to connect the paragraphs with transition sentences that lead the reader irresistibly to the next paragraph.
*Remember to include in-text citations! This paper is required to have at least 5 different legitimate scholarly sources cited within itself.

A concluding paragraph summarizes the main idea, ties the main points together neatly for the reader, and ends with a sense of finality.
Remember to make a modern connection with the research topic. Provide an explanation of how your historical research is applicable to or connected with modern events in the 21st century.

Annotated Bibliography
Remember to format your paper in accordance with MLA guidelines (12 point font, double spaced, with your Annotated Bibliography (See Part II of Historical Research Project in Moodle) at the end.

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Inca Empire and How it Impacted History
There are very few known civilizations that shaped the world like the Inca Empire. The Inca Empire is the last known empire that dominated South America before the arrival of the Europeans (Covey, 809). The Incas were not only great innovators but also strategists who managed to build one of the most fascinating and strong empires. The empire spanned several countries, including Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, and Ecuador (Covey, 810). The countries that the empire traversed differs in other accounts, since some believe that the empire included countries such as Chile and Colombia. Regardless of the above, it is crucial to note that the Incas managed to build one of the most civilized empires by maximizing their efforts on elements like agriculture, architecture, archaeology, their economy, as well as practices that have contributed greatly to archaeology today. The impact the empire has had on history has been immense, and to-date, historians are still scavenging for more data on the resilience Incas as well as what they left behind. Provided herein is an account that discusses how the innovative attitude of the Incas has greatly contributed to the history of the world as well as permanently shaped the world’s civilization.
One way that the Incas influenced or impacted history was through a centralized economy. The Incas managed to create an empire that had a central point or a capital. Without what the Europeans considered modern architecture and techniques, the Incas had managed to build a capital that was not only big but also robust in activity. Covey (185) notes that the capital, Cuzco favorably compared to the urban centers of Spain. In Cuzco, one would find the imperial elite of the Incas. Cuzco was supplied by the countryside that were producing many farm products, including “maize, potatoes, llamas and alpacas, and coca leaf” (Covey, 185). Aside from farm products, Cuzco also had its share of jewelry and other objects that were carved by the hands of the Inca artisans. Cuzco had a booming economy and a vibrant people that ensured its survival.
Aside from its centralized economy, the Inca Empire also impacted history through its architecture. Old architecture happens to be the most intriguing subject in history today. Some structures that were constructed in history are still being studied, and some of these structures were found in the Inca Empire. Today, modern engineers invest time and resources to try and build structures that will last. The Incas, however, had this figured out centuries ago. Apparently the Incas build structures that lasted more than five centuries. Brandlin and Schexnayder (52) appear to indicate that the knowledge that the Incas used can be applied today, especially considering the durability and strength of the structures they build years ago. Some structures such as Machu Picchu, as noted by Wright (131) happen to encompass the true essence of durability. Machu Picchu is said to have lasted more than 500 years even with the exposure to “rainfall, altered drainage, landslides, and earthquakes.” A lot of work and planning went into the construction of these buildings, and their survival is a testament to the true spirit of resilience and stubborn attitude of the Incas.
In conclusion, the Inca Empire is the epitome of humanity’s quest to be great. With their limited abilities, the Incas managed to build an empire that is still being studied today. The buildings that were erected centuries ago are still standing, and the survival of such a massive empire is stil...
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