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What impact did World War 2 have on Canada?

Essay Instructions:

World War Two Assignment

What impact did World War 2 have on Canada?

Produce a FINAL PRODUCT that meets the following LEARNING

GOALS because it:

 uses a variety of information sources effectively when researching historical topics or issues, accurately records relevant information, and then organizes this information in a meaningful way;

 demonstrates an understanding of the ways in which outside forces and events have shaped Canada’s policies;

 demonstrates an understanding of Canada’s participation in war, peace, and security.

Pick one of the options below:


- Create a thesis that links together events during World War 2 that focus on the fighting in the war and its effects on Canadians & the allies.


- Create a thesis that links together events/ circumstances here in Canada during World War 2 which highlight the effects of the war on Canada & Canadians.


 You must use ONE of the HISTORICAL CRITICAL THINKING CONCEPTS to analyze your chosen topic.

 You must include a WORKS CITED LIST in MLA FORMAT for any sources other than class notes or Spotlight Canada

 Students must use at least 3 different sources beyond notes obtained in the class ASSESSMENT: A RUBRIC WILL BE PROVIDED FOR YOU BY YOUR TEACHER


- Either on the war at home or on the fighting overseas


FOR “Canada fighting World War Two”:

– describe how the conscription crises of World Wars I and II created tensions between English Canada and Québec;

– demonstrate a knowledge of Canada’s military contributions in World War 2

[e.g. Battle of Britain, Hong Kong, Battle of the Atlantic, Dieppe, Bombing of Germany (inc. Dam Busters, Dresden and Berlin) Italian Campaign (inc. Sicily and Ortona), D-Day];

– evaluate Canada’s role in the Allied victories of World War 2 (e.g. D-Day, liberation of Holland, release of prisoners from Nazi concentration camps);

– produce a timeline that charts and identifies significant historical events related to the Holocaust and World War 2 (e.g., anti-Semitism, rise of Naziism, Kristallnacht, establishment of ghettos, concentration camps, and death camps) and analyse Canada’s response to those events;

-demonstrate an understanding of how the experience and memory of the Holocaust helped shape Canada’s role as a world leader in human rights (e.g., drafting of Declaration of Human Rights for the United Nations)

FOR “The War and Its Effects at Home”:

– demonstrate an understanding of the role of government in wartime and explain why the government acted as it did (e.g., implementing centralized planning, rationing, censorship);

– explain how and why the Canadian government restricted certain rights and freedoms in wartime, and describe the impact, both short- and long-term, of these restrictions on the general population and on various groups within the Canadian population;

– demonstrate an understanding one of the main steps in the development of French-English relations in particular the negative impact of conscription;

– assess the backgrounds, career, and contribution of Mackenzie King, C.D. Howe and other notable Canadians;

– explain how and why the Canadian economy developed and became more diversified as a result of World War 2;

– examine the relationship between war and inventions and explain how and why the technologies developed during and immediately after World War 2 (e.g., television, radar, nuclear power, plastics) changed life in the 1950s and 1960s;

Name: _________________________________ Assignment: World War 2 Essay


Level 4 80-100%

Level 3 70-79%

Level 2 60-69%

Level 1 50-59%

Knowledge &


The product(s) and research notes (including related class work) reflect thorough knowledge of the historical event(s) examined in the essay.

Answers “five Ws+H” questions in process of describing events and the connections between them

(The product reflects thorough understanding

of the events, individuals, concepts, ideas, etc. explored.)

-demonstrates thorough knowledge

of content

-demonstrates thorough understanding of content

9.6 9.2 8.8 8.5 8.2

-demonstrates considerable knowledge

of content

-demonstrates considerable understanding of content

7.8 7.5 7.2

-demonstrates some knowledge of content

-demonstrates some understanding of content

6.8 6.5 6.2

-demonstrates limited knowledge of content

-demonstrates limited understanding of content

5.8 5.5 5.2


Thesis establishes a topic, states an opinion, is arguable, provable, worth proving.

Clear use of relevant historical critical thinking tools and strategies to develop arguments in essay and in identification, selection and inclusion of relevant historical details and material in essay

-uses planning skills and critical thinking tools with a high degree of effectiveness

-uses critical thinking processes with a high degree of effectiveness

9.6 9.2 8.8 8.5 8.2

-uses planning skills and critical thinking tools with considerable effectiveness

-uses critical thinking processes with considerable effectiveness

7.8 7.5 7.2

-uses planning skills and critical thinking tools with some effectiveness

-uses critical thinking processes with some


6.8 6.5 6.2

-uses planning skills and critical thinking tools with limited effectiveness

-uses critical thinking processes with limited effectiveness

5.8 5.5 5.2


The student’s ideas are effectively organized and the organization of information follows proper essay format.

All of the conventions (spelling, grammar, etc.) of formal academic style and of the discipline are adhered to. (MLA citation including works cited and works consulted lists is used)

-expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness

-uses conventions, vocabulary, & terminology of the discipline with a high degree of effectiveness

9.6 9.2 8.8 8.5 8.2

-expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness

-uses conventions, vocabulary, & terminology of the discipline with considerable effectiveness

7.8 7.5 7.2

-expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness

-uses conventions, vocabulary, & terminology of the discipline with some effectiveness

6.8 6.5 6.2

-expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness

-uses conventions, vocabulary, & terminology of the discipline with limited effectiveness

5.8 5.5 5.2


Arguments made, critical thinking tools, ethical dimensions of history explored support thesis in the final product.

Student clearly identifies and uses continuity and change, cause and effect, historical significance and evidence to describe and form arguments about ways in which outside forces and events have shaped Canada’s policies and of Canada’s participation in war, peace, and security

Uses MLA citation method for images, primary sources, quotes and works cited.

- applies knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness

-transfers knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness

9.6 9.2 8.8 8.5 8.2

- applies knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness

-transfers knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness

7.8 7.5 7.2

- applies knowledge and skills with some effectiveness

-transfers knowledge

and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness

6.8 6.5 6.2

- applies knowledge and skills with limited effectiveness

-transfers knowledge

and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness

5.8 5.5 5.2

Comments:______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

A student whose achievement is below Level 1 has failed to meet the expectations for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Canada, Canada Allies and the World War II
The Second World War II left a legacy of destruction and death after a period of six terrible years. The war was observed to encircle the earth from the Atlantic and the Pacific reaching the far Arctic. It was not limited to the battlefields and soldiers as the development of new weapons to destroy made the possibilities of war to go beyond land and made it possible to destroy and kill in the air and beneath the seas. Killing and destruction were indiscriminate as both the young and the old were killed and home destroyed. The events and tales of the occurrences are many that a few pages are not enough to give the accounts of the phenomena, its heroism, treachery, events and causes are sensitive subjects and need more analysis. The aim of this paper is to tell the impact of Canadians and the effects of Canada and the Canadian allies during World War II.
One of the young nation at the time Canada made a remarkable achievement. In 1929-1945 the battlefronts of the earth were served by the Royal Canadian Navy, The Canadian Army, The Royal Canadian Air Force and the Allied Forces plus thousands of young Canadians. They were on the battlefield to aid the United Kingdom as they had observed that the Nazi invasion was becoming imminent. They had arrived in the United Kingdom to give supplement to the British Expeditionary Forces (BEF). Envisioned by this evacuation of the British Army from the Channel ports and Dunkirk, Canada's role changed to defense of the British Isles. Across, the Canadians fought with the British, Hong Kong and Indian forces in Hong Kong to defend the colony (Coates, Ken, and Morrison 207). They were fighting intrepidly to the unsuccessful attempt to defend Hong Kong against the Japanese (Daniels 76). They played a ...
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