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Behavioral Context of the Tomb of King Tutankhamen

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following questions for archaeology class. Each question should take at least 1 page.

1. Use the project that discovered the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen as an example of how archaeological projects were supported in the past. What problems accompanied such funding?

2. The term "artifact", "ecofact" and "feature" denote the archaeological contexts of things unearthed by archaeologists. Name some possible behavioral contexts of artifacts, ecofacts and features.

3. Why do archaeologists attempt to recover small, seemingly insignificant pieces of chipped stone, broken ceramics, nutshell, seeds, charcoal and bone?

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The discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamen, an Egyptian Pharaoh, by the British archeologist Howard Carter makes one of the greatest archeological discoveries in the history of the ancient dynasty that ruled over Egypt. King Tutankhamen reigned over Egypt for approximately ten years before his untimely death at the age of 19 years CITATION Nat18 \l 1033 (Geographic). The King would rise to become one of the most famous pharaohs in the current world thanks to the discovery of his tomb on 26th November by the decorated British archeologist Howard Carter CITATION Nat18 \l 1033 (Geographic). The archeological project was not without its fair share of challenges, which even threatened to stop the excavation before achieving its historical discovery. Some of the challenges included the lengthy process of getting the excavation permit from the relevant Egyptian authorities as well as the process itself which demanded a lot of caution CITATION Nat18 \l 1033 (Geographic). The biggest challenge, however, was getting the necessary funds to finance the project as it involved a lot of artistry and expensive excavating tools to unearth the debris for the revered ancient Egyptian rulers. Carter’s partnership with the wealthy George Edward Stanhope Molyneux, also known as Lord Carnarvon, sought to change the situation for the archeologist who had no financial capability to run the project CITATION Nat18 \l 1033 (Geographic). The archeological process can be a frustrating process and required the patience and passion of archeologists such as Carter. Lord Carnarvon had no such patience and threatened to pull his funds from the project in 1922 but reconsidered upon Carter’s encouragement and passionate belief in the project. Funding was thus a major problem for the archeological expeditions and often posed a great challenge to the archeologists who in most cases could not finance the projects themselves.
The behavioral context of artifacts, ecofacts, and features play a significant role in developing an informed understanding of various aspects such as the social, political, or economics of a given society or individuals under archeological investigations. Thus, the behavioral context of the artifacts is integral to the archeologist’s attempt to shed light on the intricate details about the discovered materials. Human artifacts, for instance, display a lot of features whose behavioral context reveal a lot into the human beings past way of life. The discovery of King Tutankhamen’s tomb provides an excellent platform for highlighting the importance of behavioral context in assisting archeologists in their excavation proje...
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