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Human Rights in a Global Context

Essay Instructions:
Human Rights in a Global Context Write a 3–5-page paper discussing what the United States could do, and what—if anything— should it do, to promote a climate conducive to human rights in the Middle Eastern, Islamic world Brief Sample Outline I. Introduction A. Prescribe courses of action through which the United States can influence the policies of non-Western, Muslim countries to foster climates conducive to human rights B. Cultural differences, as well as the limits of American power, can constrain the ability of the United States to influence Islamic states’ internal policies on a direct basis II. Body A. Compare and contrast Western and non-Western, Islamic views of human rights 1. Define the concepts of human rights in differing societies B. Assess the means by which the United States could promote its visions of human rights, and their possible usefulness 1. Describe foreign policy options C. Evaluate possible reactions by Islamic states and societies to American initiatives 1. Identify potential positive and negative reactions to American leadership III. Conclusion +++++CLIENT UPDATE+++++ Length: 3 to 5 pages of text (reference page excluded). Spacing: Double-spaced. Margins: 1-inch margins on all sides. Font: Standard 12-point font. Formatting: Follow either APSA, MLA, or APA style guidelines. Content: Your essay should be analytical in nature. Refrain from including personal opinions, editorial comments, normative statements, or using first or second person (singular or plural). Writing: Ensure proper use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Sources for Definitions: Only use political science materials or readings provided for this course. Resources like dictionary.com are not permitted. Citations: Limit citations from periodicals such as newspapers or magazines to a maximum of two. You must have at least 1 academic source other than the textbook. Remember, the page requirement pertains to the main body of your essay; the references or works cited page will not be included in the page count.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Human Rights in a Global Context Introduction Promoting human rights is a vital aspect of international relations, and the United States (U.S.) has often taken a leading role in advocating for these rights on the global stage. The situation differs in the Middle East, where the U.S. sees significant challenges and exquisite opportunities. To facilitate policy environments that would accord with human rights in non-Western Muslim states, the U.S. could count on diplomatic engagements, provide financial assistance to organizations operating at the civil society level, and endeavor to bring legal reforms that would encourage human rights. However, navigating these efforts is complex due to cultural differences and the inherent limitations of American influence. Islamic States' cultures determine their perception of Human rights, and the U.S. needs to approach advocacy by being culturally sensitive. Furthermore, the U.S. needs to consider its boundaries indirectly interfering with the policy-making process of sovereign countries. The successful promotion of human rights will be achieved through a strategic and collaborative approach. Western and non-Western Islamic Views of Human Rights Define the Concepts of Human Rights in Differing Societies Human rights, as interpreted in the West, are fundamentally individual-based and centered on the principles of individualism, freeing individuals, equality, and the rule of law. In this situation, the notion of human rights includes civil and political liberties, which consist, for instance, of freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, as well as economic, social, and psychological rights, which include, for example, education and health (Balala 22). The core of the Western view on human rights was developed in the times of Enlightenment, and mutual treaties, such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), were considered the basic human rights norms. Such documents demonstrate the sense of fundamental rights and guarantees for the individual regardless of their ethnic or religious backgrounds, understanding the basis of human rights advocacy. In that light, the U.S. can offer to help the Middle East in issues, such as global warming, which might interfere with the human rights so that it can avoid possible intergovernment conflicts relating to the intrusion of the Middle East government affairs (Chapter 10 131). However, non-Western Islamic perspectives on human rights impact religious frameworks, cultural beliefs, and historical backgrounds. Muslim societies mostly perceive human rights from the perspective of Sharia, which includes both religion and sandals. Islam is the religion of justice, modesty, and equality, but applying these features depends on the Islamic direction of the team (An-Na’im 38). The Islamic perception of human rights can emphasize the need for community, harmony, and high moral standards, sometimes inadvertently conflicting with the Western notion of treating each individual as a sovereign being. Recognizing the underlying variations between Western and Islamic approaches to human rights is as important as understan...
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