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Essay Instructions:
For this short paper, you will need to locate an artifact that is based on any world myth, folktale, fairy tale or legend from any culture and briefly analyze its relationship to the myth which inspired it. This artifact might be a work of art, film, television music, dance, opera, or some other cultural artifact, such as a computer game or an advertisement. However, it should not be another work of literature but something in a different genre/medium. Once you have located and decided upon an artifact based on myth, please describe the myth that it depicts briefly and then analyze how it relates to the myth. For example, does it use an image described in the myth or reimagine some of the characters or places named in a myth? How does your chosen artifact change or expand upon the main message of the myth? In short, analyze the relationships between your artifact based on myth and the actual myth it is based on! ****Please be sure to include a link to your chosen artifact in your response, so that I can tell what exactly you are describing and analyzing!!*** Length: Your short paper should be between 800 and 1000 words in length or roughly between two and three double-spaced pages. Please submit it in a .docx format to the appropriate Canvas assignment. Introduction to chosen artifact with a thesis about its relationship to its myth of origin. 20 points Brief Description of Chosen Artifact/Reasons why you chose it 20 points Analysis of the Relationship of the Chosen Artifact to its Myth of Origin 40 points Link to Chosen Artifact 10 points Proper Grammar, Punctuation, Diction 10 points
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name Professor's Name Course Date Analyzing the Clash of Titans and Its Relation with Prometheus's Myth Introduction The movie The Clash of Titans (version of 1981) is the selected artefact for this paper, based on Perseus's myth in Greek mythology. It is a fantasy adventure movie produced under Desmond Davis's direction and was penned by Beverley Cross (Torjussen 1). The film starred Burgess Meredith, Harry Hamlin, Maggie Smith, Laurence Olivier, and Harry Hamlin. Ray Harryhausen contributed to creating stop-motion effects in the movie, which became one of the movie's most outstanding and compelling features (Carr). Although the movie is loosely based on the Greek myth of Perseus, the producer has utilized creative license to depart from the original myth and deviations to it. Description of Chosen Artifact The Clash of Titans was co-produced by the United Kingdom and the United States. Alan Dean Foster published its novelization in 1981. In 2010, Warner Bros released a 3D movie version under the same name (CHIU 104). The story is narrated straightforwardly and robustly. Danaë and her son, Perseus (Harry Hamlin), are enclosed in a coffin and put in the sea as a punishment for angering the gods. The coffin lands on a deserted island as Zeus (Laurence Olivier) takes pity on them (Conliffe). Perseus grows up on this island, where he attains manhood and becomes aware of the purpose of his life. His mission is to save Andromeda (Judi Bowker) from marrying Calibos after returning to Joppa. Andromeda was betrothed to Calibos before he was cursed to become a monster due to god's wrath. Calibos resides in a swampy place, and every night, he sends a huge bird to capture the spirit of Andromeda while she is sleeping in a gilded age. If Perseus has to marry Andromeda, he has to defeat Calibos in combat and answer the riddle of Andromeda's mother, Cassiopeia. Individuals who failed to answer the riddle were destined to death (Conliffe). There are other twists in the plot as well. He has to trace the bird towards Calibos's lair, capturing and taming one of the last winged horses, Pegasus. He beheads Medusa after going to Gorgon's island. He takes her head for petrifying Karaken, who has been freed from his cage and sent to the ocean floor so that he can destroy Andromeda particularly and Joppa generally (Conliffe). He returned Joppa and successfully petrified Kraken, resulting in his dissolution in the sea. He successfully married Androm...
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