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History Cold War

Essay Instructions:
The Origins of the Cold War Assignment: Read the primary sources available on Blackboard. Explain why the Cold War began following the Allied victory during World War 2. Why did this happen? Who was to blame, the United States or the Soviet Union? Your essay should present a historical argument and have a clearly identifiable thesis statement. The basis for you paper should be the primary source documents made available on Blackboard and whatever secondary reading you choose to use. The documents should be used to support your thesis statement. Paper Length: Papers should be 3-5 pages in length. Doubled spaced. All papers should be in Times New Roman font, size 12. All papers should have one inch margins. All your sources must be properly cited. For example a proper citation for a primary source should use the following format. A secondary source should be cited like this. Your paper should be in proper English and be grammatically correct. I am going to attach a few documents to help the writer.The documents are the primary source document found on blackboard, i m providing these.
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Cold War
The cold war refers to the period of tension, between the western allies, made up of United States of America and Britain, and the Soviet Union( Gaddis 2). There is a division of when exactly the cold war started, with some part of historians arguing that it started towards the end of World War 1, and others believing that it started towards the end of World War 2. Still, both sets of historians will agree that this so called cold war, became concretely evident, after the world war 2. It is important to note that these two powers, the USA and USSR, fought as allies, to end the World War 2, and defeat the Nazi regime, led by the cruel Hitler. This war was never fought directly, thus, there was no direct military confrontation between these two powers, but rather, it was indirect. These two sides supported different end in Vietnam and Afghanistan, they believed in different economical ideology, and also had different political ideologies, which they tried to make other countries adapt, in a show of might. Economically, the USA preferred the capitalist free economic system, while the USSR preferred the command economic system. Politically, the USA was for democracy, where leaders would be elected through an open political process, while the USSR, believed in the passing down of power, within an elite group, or family( Gaddis 5).
The cold war began for various reasons, but the core of it all is the mistrust between the USA and the USSR. The USSR, for example, felt that even though the allied forces of Britain and USA had come in to help her defeat the Nazi, she was the one who did battle directly on many fronts, against the Nazi. The western allies, and especially Britain, felt that USSR had claimed to have delivered the killer blow to Nazi, when they conquered Germany, but in real sense, they would not have managed it were it not for their help. The mistrust between these two former allies continued, and led to the following factors becoming key to the cold war;
Extension of Russian Influence in Europe
Russia had established a significant territory in Europe towards the end of the second world war. This, it had done through the red army liberating many territories in eastern Europe. Russia started exerting pressure on these countries, and even influencing the outcome of elections in these countries, by intimidating the voters, and even...
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