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Historical argument. Important Markers of Civilizational Development

Essay Instructions:

Task: Choose one of the following options and answer it with a formal essay of about three (no

more than four) double-spaced pages. Be sure that your essay has a thesis statement and

effective topic sentences starting each body paragraph – you should think of these as sub theses.

You must use examples to support your ideas

Option 2: Using one of the primary source readings from week 2 (Robert Marks is not a primary

source) and one of the primary source readings from week 3, what does each author see as the

most important markers (indicators) of civilizational development? How do their markers differ,

and what does that tell you about their own perspectives? Be sure to answer all parts of the

question and create an overall argument comparing your findings for both sources

Citing: You must refer directly to the readings, use page numbers for ALL evidence and

quotations, provide a reference list (if using parenthetical referencing) or footnotes.

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Important Markers of Civilizational Development
The development of a civilization depends on the different perspective about the reasons for expansion of territories where it will influence the choice of civilization development marker that a territory would need. The two authors portrayed different perspectives about the expansion of territories. Cansas portrayed Spain's reason for expansion is to increase influence by promoting the solidarity of the current conventions of their traditions to unify other people and punishing whoever moves away from those conventions; while, Africanus portrayed the African kingdom's reason for expansion is to increase influence by promoting interdependent work and specifying social roles based on the difference among its people. These perspectives will show the different development marker the civilization would need. Spain’s marker, described by Cansas, includes: Religion (3-5, 32), Central Government (32, 42), Military Strength (4-6, 32-33, 35), and Social Class (5-6, 40- 42). On the other hand, the African Kingdom’s marker, described by Africanus, includes: Form of Government (821- 825, 829), Trade and Industry (822-823) and Military Strength (821).These markers are keys to the further development of a civilization; however, since these markers are based on perspective, different civilization may have a different effect even if the same marker is applied.
In Spain’s perspective, they try to make divided groups of people into one. Therefore, maintaining a common moral standard of a sovereign that will tie bonds with the people needs to take precedence. As observed in the writings of Cansas; Religion, Central Government, Social Class, and Military Strength, are the most important markers of civilization development used by Spain. The first marker in Spain’s perspective is Religion. The Spaniards arrived at the West Indies meeting indigenous people’s living in the area. According to Cansas, "They are of a very apprhensive and docible wit, and capable of all good learning, and very apt to receive our Religion (3)."These people were welcoming to strangers while at the same time ignorant about the one true God. The Spaniards used religion to fill the mind of these people about the teachings of God (Cansas 3, 32). A common moral value was needed to influence other people. Imposing a common belief system is detrimental in unifying the people since it give a sense of equality further strengthening trust to easily exploiting their assets. The second marker is a Central Government. Spain’s form of government at that time is purely Monarchical. According to Cansas, "For at their first entrance they commanded them to swear [loyalty] and obedience to the King of Spain, & those that would not come in and submit themselves to the will of such unjust and cruel men, they proclaimed rebels, and accus'd them of the crime to the King (42)." The follow the rule of law of the King whose words are absolute all encompassing to all his subjects (Cansas 32, 42). The judgment of one person to decide the fate of a civilization shows oneness that certainly complements the unification of the people. The third marker is military strength. The Spaniard came to the West Indies and slaughtered its people (Cansas 4-6, 32-33, 35). The might of the militia can exploit most of the territories that can not be de...
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