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An Epic Tale Characters: The Grapes of Wrath, California Problems

Essay Instructions:

I need a unified essay answering the following questions about The Grapes of Wrath:
How does the ordeal of the Joad family reflect the effect of the Dust Bowl on the dispossessed in Oklahoma?
Why did the Joad family leave their hometown for California? What did they encounter on their way there? What kind of problems did they find in California?
How did the land-owners, banks, and government agencies respond to their problems?
What does this book tell you about the economic and social problems in the Thirties, and the efficacy of the New Deal?

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December 8, 2015
Grapes of Wrath
The Grapes of Wrath is an epic tale spawned with details and acerbic wit. John Steinbeck chronicles the struggles of Joad’s family as they depart from their matrimonial home in Sallisaw, Oklahoma hoping to find work and hopefully better life in California. Forced from the land that the family had inhabited for two generations the Joads together with elderly grandpa and grandma and escapee son, Tom ,are packed into a decrepit truck and are headed west via route 66(Wyatt,23). The family has high expectations of finding jobs in the fertile valley of California. Considered John Steinbeck's masterwork, The Grapes of Wrath is a tale of humanity united by turmoil and that bond of authentic love which overcomes all obstacles, rather than remaining single and individualistic, the characters unite in the face of adversity and they are able to prevail over challenges during hard times.
The tribulations and pain of the Joad’s family during the era of great depression is reflective of the impact that the Dust Bowl had on the dispossessed people in Oklahoma. The storyline is etched on both the social and historical events of 1930s in America. There was an historical environmental disaster known as the Dust Bowl which destroyed lives and property brutally. It is also during this timeline that a majority of the disposed people suffered abject poverty, because they were landless and did not have means to sustain their livelihoods. Most of them were compelled to move westwards and work in cotton and peach farms where they earned only meager income.
Peaking at the background of this tumult which began in late 18180s, the land began to be settled by sharecroppers for agricultural use. Most of them had borrowed from the banks and so in essence their property belonged to the banks. Later on, when great drought swept over the land and their crops were adversely affected a majority of the farmers relinquished their claim to land ownership (Benson, 204). It is during this time that reports came about dust clouds covering the land and suffocating livestock at the same time obstructing visibility. This was known as the Dust bowl which in essence annihilated livelihoods and scattered the people into different places as they sought for means to sustain their lives. In early 20th century however, great rainfall and the replacement of bare fields with sod played a major role in restoring agricultural productivity of the plains states (Wyatt, 78).
In this tale the Joads family has to move out of their home in Oklahoma because the bank had taken possession of their land and now they had to move away into another place and earn a living. Tom Joad returns home after being parole from the state penitentiar. On arrival, he finds that Joad farm has been abandoned and the neighbor explains that the family land had been possessed by the bank (Zirakzadeh, 605). The family had moved away after the atrocious treatment by the bank and they were now living with Uncle John planning to go to California in pursuit of work. After the family sells off their belongings they pack their ramshackle truck and they take off early in the morning.
In the first evening as the family travels to California the family makes a stop next to a migrant couple whose car had suffered puncture. The couple known as Wilsosn’s are amiable people, they offer their tent to the sickly grandpa who unfortunately suffers stroke and dies. Right from the beginning Grandpa did not want to go for this journey he had special attachment to Oklahoma and now he had to leave his identity and cradle land to go to the unknown. After the death of Grandpa Tom and Al help the Wilson’s to fix their car and as a result the two families decide to travel together.
In their travel towards New Mexico the Wilson's touring car breaks down again compelling the travelers to stop. Meanwhile Grandma is getting very and she is also grieved by death of grandpa no body knows how long she has to live. In their continued journey to California many challenges and problems encumber their way, because as they reached the desert bordering California Sairy Wilson becomes extremely ill to the point that she can’t move on, the Joads have no choice but to leave the Wilson’s behind and continue with their journey across the desert alone(Shockley,45). Granma's health has by now deteriorated drastically, even as the truck starts its nighttime trek across the desert, Ma is almost certain that Granma will not survive. Since the desert environ was very harsh, they could not stop their journey thus Ma opts to lie in the back of the truck with Granma. Halfway across the desert, Granma dies,
By dawn the family had traveled across the desert to gaze down upon the stunning Bakersfield valley. At this time Ma informs them that Granma has passed on, they proceed to bury her as a pauper because the family could not raise money to bury her. After going through the harrowing desert environ the Joads finally spot a camp, a filthy Hooverville made of tents and improvised shelters. The men proceed to talk to a young man in the camp known as Floyd Knowles, after a while a businessman accompanied by a cop offers them work. When the young man Floyd asks for a wage offer in writing he is immediately accused of being red a...
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