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Bills Analysis for American Government: History, Financial Aspects

Essay Instructions:

BILL ANALYSIS FOR AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: You will track a bill through Congress and report your findings. The best website for this is http://congress(dot)gov (Links to an external site.) Another good website is: http://www(dot)govtrack(dot)us (Links to an external site.)
Check out: http://howardcc(dot)libguides(dot)com/poli101dura (Links to an external site.)y
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize the student with the process required for a piece of legislation to become law. The Bill Assignment should show that the student understands what the bill does, how it changes current law, and the process it underwent and why.
REQUIREMENTS: The report should include:
· bill number
· sponsor(s)
· why the bill was introduced
· background information
· a summary of what the bill does
· financial aspects: what the bill costs in actual dollars, i.e. $3 Billion
· bill history: what actions occurred in committee, on the floor, in conference, floor votes; presidential action; amendments,
· what interest groups are for and which ones are against the bill
· your position on the bill and why
Choose a bill in the current Congress the 114th 2015-2016 or the most recent Congress the 113th 2013-2014.Choose a bill that something is happening on or has been passed, not one that has just been introduced and is not going anywhere. Bills, which have been introduced and died in committee, WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Congratulatory Resolutions will also not be accepted. There will be an assignment requiring you to submit the bill you are planning on tracking. This way I will know that you are using a bill that fits all the requirements. Your best bet is one that has become law. Magazine and newspaper articles can help you understand the real issues involved. Read the newspapers and watch the news for more information about the event surrounding the bill. This can provide valuable insight and sometimes an explanation of the legislation in English.
Please write your findings in at least 1000-word paper, approximately 5 pages in your own words.Cite your sources. I do not need copies of what is on the websites. If you turn in your paper late, your grade will be lowered. If you need help, that is what I am here for, just ask me. I want you to research a bill on a topic of interest to you. If there is a particular topic you are interested in chances are there is also an interest group related to the topic. Interest Groups track current legislation and their website may be useful. Please cite your sources. 
Rubric for Bill Analysis
A = High level excellence in evidence of analyzing information pertinent to the proposed legislation and performance at the college level
B = Demonstrable, competent, expected evidence of analyzing information pertinent to the proposed legislation and performance at the college level
C = Minimally acceptable, inconsistent evidence of analyzing information pertinent to the proposed legislation and performance at the college level
D = Poor, unacceptable evidence of analyzing information pertinent to the proposed legislation and performance at the college level

Analyzes key components of the legislation precisely
Evaluates background material with insight and shows a thorough understanding of the reasons for the proposed legislation
Fully understands the financial aspects of the proposed legislation
Demonstrates a clear understanding of the legislative process that the bill underwent
Analyzes key components of the legislation competently
Evaluates background material competently and shows some understanding of the reasons for the proposed legislation
Understand the financial aspects of the proposed legislation
Demonstrates an understanding of the legislative process that the bill underwent
Analyzes some components of the legislation competently
Evaluates background material inconsistently and shows minimal understanding of the reasons for the proposed legislation
Shows minimal understanding of the financial aspects of the proposed legislation
Shows minimal understanding of the financial aspects of the proposed legislation
Is unable to analyze components of the legislation or does so superficially
Is unable to evaluate background material or does so superficially
Is unable to understanding of the financial aspects of the proposed legislation
Is unable to understand the financial aspects of the proposed legislation

Essay Sample Content Preview:
(Instructors’ name)
Bill Analysis
On November 19, 2015, the House considered, H.R.4038 - American Security Against Foreign Enemies Act of 2015 under a closed rule. This bill was introduced on November 17, 2015, and was sent to the Committee on the Judiciary (Opencongress.org).
The sponsor of this bill is Rep. Michael McCaul and 103 Co-Sponsors. The bill was introduced by the House of Representatives following a report that one of those who took part in the November 13 attack on Paris made use of a Syrian passport and ended up matching fingerprints with someone who penetrated through Greece in October (Amy Krug). In a summary of the bill, the House Republicans wrote that Security officials and top administration counterterrorism have constantly told Congress that the refugee vetting process that is currently being used is not sufficient enough to ensure that terrorists are not allowed into the United States as refugees. Republicans went ahead to propose H.R. 4083 with faith that he bill will bar possible attacks from happening within the US (Amy Krug). (Those who are believed to have participated in the Paris attack are said to have been basically of Belgian and French nationality, despite them using Syrian passports, but they were also linked to a section of ISIS (Rules.house.gov).
Millions of refugees from Syria and Iraq have been forcefully sent out of their homes due to the militarization by the ISIS and the ongoing civil war in Syria. The majority of these refugees hope to find refuge in European countries and the United States. Under the current legislation, the US vets refugees for a whole one-and-a-half to two years before allowing them to enter the country (Amy Krug). Once enacted the bill would pause the screening process briefly while developing fresh background check procedures, thus lengthening the time the screening process would take.
The US has been at the top of the list as one of the international donors of humanitarian assistance to those living in Syria. It has provided greater than $4.5 billion in assistance from the beginning of the crisis; this is a lot more than any other donor (Freedomhouse.org). In 2014, US provided approximately 27 percent of funding for humanitarian response, and about 23 percent of funding for the previous two years (Opencongress.org). The humanitarian assistance consisted of medical supplies and medical care (including immunization), shelter, water, food and non-food items including clothing and blankets.
In response to the migration crisis, the Administration went ahead to admit Syrian refugee and those from the nearby countries such as Iraq. In 2014, 19,769 refugees arrived in the United States from Iraq and 105 from Syria. 62 percent of these refugees were resettled in 12 states in the same year. Most of them were placed in Texas, followed by California,...
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