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George Washington

Essay Instructions:

Directions: You are to write an essay of 4 to 5 pages in length in which you address a topic of your choice. Your essay needs to have a heading, numbered pages, be double spaced throughout, cited following either MLA or APA guidelines, and include a works cited list. CITE SOURCES!!!!! You need to let me know what topic you are considering writing on by April 12th. You should do this by email. The essay is due on May 10th. This is an absolute deadline as that is the official end of the semester. NO EXTENSIONS FOLKS! Of course, you can submit the essay earlier. Sources: You must use at least three sources. Two of these sources must be books (not your textbooks). One must be an internet source (not Wikipedia). You may substitute one internet source for one of the books. Grading: The essay is worth 100 points. You will be graded on (1) accuracy of content, (2) structure of your presentation (i.e. how well you structure and present you answer to the topic question), (3) mechanics (i.e. spelling, margins, spacing, proper use of citations, etc.). The topic I chose is (Gorge Washington).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Title:
George Washington
George Washington (1732-1799) was the first U.S. president, among the Founding Fathers of the U.S. and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He also oversaw the convention that put together the U.S. Constitution, replacing the Articles of Confederation which was the supreme American law (Burgan 6). George was unanimously elected as the choice president of the electors during the 1788-1789 and 1792 elections. He also presided through the creation a well-financed and strong national government that was able to maintain neutrality in the European raging wars. He also suppressed rebellion and managed to win the acceptance of all types of Americans. His style of leadership developed several rituals and forms of government that have utilized since, such as delivering and inaugural address and using a cabinet system.
Moreover, after George Washington retired after two terms and the transition to his predecessor, John Adams was peaceful, it created a tradition that is still used up to this moment. This enabled Washington to be hailed during his lifetime as the father of the nation. Washington was born in a wealthy family of planters in the provincial gentry of Colonial Virginia and they owned slaves and tobacco plantations (Lantos & Lantos 11). His older brother and father died when he still a young boy but he managed to become a professionally and personally attached to William Fairfax who was very powerful. William promoted his career both as a soldier and surveyor. In the colonial forced, Washington managed to rapidly become a senior officer during the initial stages of the Indian and French War. In 1775, he was selected by the Second Continental Congress to become the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
In 1776, Washington as able to force the British colonists out of Boston but he was later defeated and almost captured in the same year after New York City was lost. In the dead of winter, he crossed the Delaware River the British soldiers in two battles, reinstated impetus to the Patriot cause and retook New Jersey (Rug.nl). Revolutionary forces used this strategy to capture two major armies of the British at Saratoga and Yorktown in 1777 and 1781 respectively. Washington is lauded by historians for the way he managed to select and supervise his generals, capacity to hold the army together and the encouragement of morale (Burgan 24). He also coordinated effectively with the state militia units and state governors and had a good relation with the Congress, attention to logistics, supplies and training. However, in battle, Washington was outmaneuvered repeatedly by the British generals who possessed larger armies.
In 1798, after Washington managed to finalize his victory, he resigned as the Commander-in-Chief instead of seizing power, and this proved his commitment to American republicanism as well as opposition to dictatorship. In 1787, Washington was not satisfied with the weakness portrayed by the Continental Congress and he thus presided over the Constitutional Convention which came up with a new Federal government of the U.S. (Lantos & Lantos 11). In 1789, Washington was unanimously elected as the first United States president and he tried to unify the rival factions so as to create a unity nation. He also supported the programs initiated by Alexander Hamilton that aimed at paying off all national and state debt and to establish an effective tax system that creates a national bank despite the fact from Thomas Jefferson.
After 1793, Washington declared that the U.S was neutral in the wars that were raging in Europe. In 1795, he also managed to avoid going into war with Great Britain and this enabled the U.S. to guarantee a decade of profitable trade and peace by securing the Jay Treaty. He managed this fete despite the fact that he faced stiff opposition from the Jeffersonian. Washington did not join officially the F...
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