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How Did Gandhi’s Ideas Evolve Over Time? His Views On Non-Violence And Caste?

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Title of Book: MAHATMA GANDHI: Non-Violent Power in Action by Dennis Dalton
Question 7
How did Gandhi’s ideas evolve over time? For example, his views on non-violence and caste?
Various problems affect humanity today. As we proceed on with our life, life seems to be easier but various problems arise and they affect humanity in different ways. Mahatma Gandhi had various views on violence and the issue of social caste. Gandhi pointed out that the various conflicts that are caused by ideological extremism, misguided nationalism, Fundamentalism, Economic Injustice, Violation of Human Rights, Suppression of freedoms, Militarism of Power Politics, Population Explosion, Racial and Ethnic Discrimination, Religious fundamentalism, uncontrolled human instincts and the various factorsCITATION Den12 \p p.87 \l 1033 (Dennis p.87). Mahatma Gandhi recognized that the various conflicts that are observed in the society such as the issue of violence and caste. He argued that the different problems present the human beings with an opportunity to contemplate over the problems and also look for other peaceful means that will be
used to solve such problems.
Mahatma Gandhi Ideas on Non-Violence
An examination of the concept of non-violence as it was advocated by Mahatma Gandhi reveals that it was a prescription of the weak and not the strong. Gandhi pointed out that even the unorganized and the weak people in the society can perform great things if those people become trained using the non-violent ways to solve their problems. By using non-violent, Gandhi does not mean that people should become inactive or remain quiet to the problems that affect their lives. He argues that the people can use a dynamic living force. The non-violence technique that was used by Gandhi was used in his struggle for justice and freedom.
In his view, Gandhi pointed out that the non-violent technique is composed of three main factors. In the first factor, Gandhi pointed out that there is a need to create a human society that uses non-violent methods to do away with the existing exploitation that was happening in the society. Secondly, there is need to educate the oppressed so that they can become more enlightened and take positive and constructive measures to resist the chances of exploitation and development. As such, a good relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed would exist. Thirdly, there was the need to usher in a non-exploitative and decentralized political institution. Gandhi also went ahead and pointed out that non-violence is a rule of action and therefore is a duty. The view of Gandhi on non-violence is that it is not a philosophical principle as such, but rather it is a rule of a life that each of the people involved is supposed to take it into account so that there can be a harmonious societyCITATION Pra \p p.123 \l 1033 (Prabhu and Rao p.123).
If we look further into the view of Gandhi on non-violence, you will be able to realize that it is not a single quality that one should incorporate in their daily lives. It is made up of many qualities that one needs to put into consideration so that the virtues can be well interpreted. Such conditions include selflessness, self-renunciation, and compassion for the people who are suffering in the society and even becoming fearless. Mahatma Gandhi advocated for the practice of non-violence in every sphere of life; be it an individual life, a political life, social or economic life. Gandhi believed that Ahimsa is a weapon of matchless potency even though the results that come out may not be clearly visible. Non-violence works in a silent, subtle and unseen way that at the end of the day leavens the whole society to a new level.
Mahatma Gandhi went a step ahead to explain the various factors that can determine the success of non-violent. T...
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