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Homework 3 Art History: Prehistoric Period

Essay Instructions:

Choose your most favorite period, style, movement, or artists from the topics covered in this semester. Compare and contrast at least three different artists and/or their works. The subjects should be covering periods of mostly European art from the prehistoric period until mannerism.
Answer the following questions: Why do you appreciate this particular style, period, artists? Discuss your examples. Explain their relevance. Describe in detail their stylistic, social and historical contexts.

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Homework 3 Art History
Creative art is what distinguished human creature from other animals during the ancient period. The European art has evolved since ancient period with new skill used to modify the prehistoric artifacts. Different artists contributed various skills in distinctive periods. The styles used during the Stone Age period varied from those applied in the late mannerism period. Stone and grotto artworks marked the ancient period. Mannerism style emerged in the late 1520, and lasted up to 1580 (Leeder 76). This assignment aims at comparing and contrasting various European artists and their works from the prehistoric period until mannerism.
Prehistoric period
This movement existed between 20,000 and 8000 B.C., when the social culture of men was hunting for food. Historians appreciate this period because it marked the beginning of grotto painting by the artists. It is during this particular era when stone art emerged in the cellar, which housed early human beings. They applied colors on the stones found inside the caves. Different styles were used to decorate their shelters. The artists during this era used either one color or variety of paintings to decorate the grottoes. This marked a milestone in the European artworks (Comba 1).
Example of cavern painted in Europe during prehistoric movement includes Lascaux, which was found in France 1940. It contains solutrean craft and Magdalenian. The grotto had seven decked compartments with over two thousand pictures. The portraits resembled horses and dull oxen. The paintings in this cave are significant in comprehending the advancement of the intercultural association among stalkers during this era. The walls exhibited the flexibility of the artist through conserved worldliness of enormous and decisive locality (Comba 4).
Also, Chauvet vault is another example of the early European art fact. It was found in France in 1994, and contained red and dull photos. The creatures drawn on this grotto were wild beasts rather than those chased for meats, which were commonly painted during this era. In addition, the images were stylish compared to the previous works. The artwork in this cave was significant; in that it demonstrates the innovativeness of the Aurignacian people in painting drawings during that period. These people were competent in drawing several pictures along the outlines of the cavern compartments (Comba 8).
Comparing Lascaux and Chauvet Caverns’ Artworks
The two caves have analogous watercolors and used almost related styles. They both have red ochre drawings on the walls of the shelter structures. They both have pictures of rhinos, mounts and cats in the chambers. In addition, they were discovered during the prehistoric period, and are found in France (Comba 8).
However, Lascaux grotto contains more paintings than chouvet cavern. Various types of animals are used in chauvet compared to the other cave. Also, Lascaux has more domestic animals while chauvet is dominated by drawings of wild beasts (Comba 14).
Romanesque versus Gothic Art
Both artworks used arched openings to construct churches. Both styles occurred during the medieval era, although Gothic was an improvement of Romanesque art. Also the two styles applied in religious cases since the majority of artist during this era focused on religion. Also, both artists used massive reinforcement materials on the structures to maintain stability of the churches. The two periods occurred in a religious context where people focused their artworks on the holy places of worship (Elliott 182).
Romanesque art, however, begun in the late tenth century between 1000and 1150, and used roman styles. Artists focused on individual needs rather than religious welfare during this period. Romanesque artist built radiating sanctuary and arches with distinct chambers. The dome of the churches had either tube or projection, and mostly curved. The main arch was reinforced with a dense wall containing ramparts. The inside had a dull and dim attitude. In addition, the statues adornments were slender and lengthy with abstract images. The outside part of the buildings was simple, and contained a few beautifications. Also, the elevation was leveled with moderate tallness.Examples of this work include St Sernin and Toulouse in France (Elliott 183).
On the other side, the Gothic artist existed in the 13th century, and involved constructing fused and radiating sanctuary or arches. The cathedrals had a curved dome...
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