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For Jobs And Freedom: Civil Rights In The United States

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify, understand, and evaluate the important points of the reading assignment so that you are comfortable discussing them in class.*

I. On the first page of this 2-page assignment*

Identify major themes and key points - use bullets and incomplete sentences if you wish to outline these. Make note of key points that are central to the author's argument
Summarize the main arguments and the author's point of view
List and define key terms and concepts that you think are important to discuss in class or that need elaboration
Pose a question for discussion in class

II. On the second page of this 2-page assignment

In narrative form, write a response to the readings. The following bullet points are meant to provide a general guide to your response.
You are welcome to respond by answering or posing different questions so long as they are well reasoned and directly related to the readings.
What did you think about the readings? Provide a reasoned critique or assessment of the selection
What important, related issues debates/questions does this reading raise? Comment on these.
Are the arguments and conclusions put forth by the author compelling? Why or Why not? What is your view?
Integrate the reading with the course. How does the reading fit in with the themes of the course and with previous readings? Does the author extend a previous line of reasoning and argument, contradict a previous line of reasoning., or provide a new set of themes or theory?
What questions still remain? Are there issues, which the readings raise that are not addressed or resolved?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Tutor’s Name Course Date For Jobs and Freedom The march on Washington is the most remembered events in the history of civil rights in the United States. The speech on the March on Washington was a huge stride by Martin Luther to end segregation among the Americans. The demonstrators purposed to present a far-reaching agenda for change. During this specific day, the Dr. Martin Luther gave a speech to the supporters who had crowded the Mall. “I have a dream”, Martin said to the audience. Nearly every child in America knows these words which capture a popular and romantic image of Luther inspiration to unite the Americans. Why did Martin Luther use these words? What was his intention? He used these words to unite the people of America in search of a communal goal. Martin Luther wanted to form a society free of racism and genderism. It is not easy to encapsulate this message. Martin Luther together with his followers demanded that racial and economic inequality in the United States to be addressed. Martin Luther inspired Americans to take more aggressive actions that would address discrimination and joblessness in the society. His argument was that no matter the race of an individual there was a need for equality (Sugrue). Everyone should be equal regardless their race or sex (Sugrue). Currently, various activists and intellectuals are putting dissimilarity in rules to lessen racial insight and those that challenged economic inequality. Does racism surpass class? Do tribal politics split the American working class? Martin Luther tried to answer all the above question during the march. The March on Washington was successful due to the close relationship between labor movements and the civil rights that persists up to date. Martin Luther together with A. Philip Randolph, who was the initiator of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters led the march to object the segregation of African American labors from well-paid arms trade jobs during the Second World War (University of Massachusetts Press). President Franklin D. Roosevelt yielded to their demands few days before the March was scheduled. He created a national antidiscrimination agency, the Fair Employment Practices Committee. Martin Luther worked closely with key unions to expand worker’s right, equal pay, and welfares to labors irrespective of their ethnicity and race. The various unions such as the United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA) and the United Automobile Workers (UAW) provided funds for the March on Washington for jobs and f...
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