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Teaching The Chinese Culture: Confucianisms Philosophy

Essay Instructions:

Task This is an exercise on close reading of a primary source and developing a thesis based on the reading. Specifically, write a short paper (750-900 words, 3-4 double-spaced pages) on a primary source from one school of Chinese philosophy in Week 5 (Confucianism OR Daoism OR Legalism). All primary sources are indicated in the course syllabus with [P], and available on the course Blackboard. • Requirements The paper should contain the following two components: - Approximately 1/2 of the paper should summarize the content of the source you examine. You don’t need to cover all the sections of a particular text. Just focus on those that are relevant to the thesis you develop, and give a concise and accurate summary. - Approximately 1/2 of the paper should be the development of your own, original thesis. This thesis must be solidly based on the primary source under analysis. Avoid offering broad, generic, or unsubstantiated thesis. Develop a specific, testable thesis well supported by the primary source. • Guidelines - Write an essay with a sharp focus. Be clear, concise, and coherent. Avoid the free-flow style. - Use academic, not colloquial/conversational language. - Use of other references outside of course readings is allowed, but not required. You are allowed to refer to lectures, with proper acknowledgement. - Do citations properly. You will have a choice about citation system (Chicago Style or MLA), but use one that is consistent and coherent. On how to do citations properly, check http://research(dot)lib(dot)buffalo(dot)edu/research-tips/writingyourpaperandcitingsources - Bibliography is not required. - Pay attention to the basics (spelling, grammar, etc.). Proofread your essay before submission. - Restrain from using online sources such as those from Google search or Wikipedia. They are often unreliable and misleading. - Pay attention to plagiarism. For more information, see the relevant section in the course syllabus and the piece posted on the course Blackboard (“Plagiarism: What it is and how to avoid it”). I reserve the right to run your papers through plagiarism-detection software. - Please give a title to your paper. - The assignment should be turned in as a Word document. - Please provide a word count at the end of your paper. • Due day 9AM Oct. 3 (Tuesday). Please upload an electronic copy to course UBlearns AND a hard copy in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Course Title
Confucianism is a philosophy that was developed by Confucius between 551-479 B.C with the aim of teaching the Chinese culture through the influence of community (Ebrey, Patricia Buckley 2). In influencing the Chinese culture, he travelled in search for a top ruler that would take his ideas to develop the culture. The tradition was taught to the people in the form of art, music and rituals performed in the area for the achievement of vision by the society. The philosophy indicates the need of implementing proper leadership in the society so as to handle the challenges in the community for social and economic progress through a development of culture. Social and ethical philosophy is essential in coming up with values which will improve the Chinese tradition. The social values essential in this theory consider the religious aspect in developing the culture of the community. Focusing on ethics and social welfare makes it possible for people to live in harmony so as to achieve the goals set by the ruler. The main components of the Confucianism are the kindness and goodness to ensure that people are able to achieve the set social objectives (Wang 269). There are relationships between the leader and the ruler requires being respectful in ensuring that there is a smooth flow of operations in the community. The leader is required to have the skills and information to come up with laws that will impact positively the performance of the business. The other relationships in the community are husband and wife, older sibling and younger sibling and friends in the society. People are supposed to have essential values that will provide a stable performance in the society based on the social and ethical aspects. The philosophy aims at providing order in the society by acting in a civilized way in handing different issues in the community.
The society depends on the church requiring proper management in ensuring that there is a smooth flow of operations in the community. Everyday life is made possible by the religious background of the people, which makes it an important aspect in achieving social development. The culture of the people is essential in providing them with guidelines to perform their actions. The guidelines also provide essential information on how to relate with different groups in the society such as leaders, sisters, parents, husband and wife (Wang 270). Creating a stable social order provides the society with required policies to control the people. The policies are required to be unified in a way that it will offer social order to the community through the social, ethica...
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