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DMS220 Midterm Fall 2017 Design: Making a Blender From Scratch

Essay Instructions:

Attached is the pdf version of the Midterm Assignment for your convenience. You must check attached pdf to see the links that include resources because instructions below cannot click the link.
1000 words with sketches
When is the last time you fixed a toaster?
We routinely take even civilization's most mundane achievements for granted. Why reinvent a toaster, when you can just buy one at a hardware store? Well, you might learn something by making your own toaster. Enter Thomas Thwaites. This man ventured to build his own toaster, from scratch, beginning by mining the raw materials required for the device. Here is what this ‘toaster' looks like: 
Your midterm assignment for this course is to read up on Thomas Thwaites: Toaster Project, and to imagine what you might have to do if you wanted to make a blender, from scratch.
Here is a description of this cheap ($15) product.
Now, this is a very difficult project… so do not expect to find a solution lurking somewhere on the Internet. And you are not expected to solve the problem, but rather to think carefully about it. And to learn to appreciate this under-loved kitchen appliance.
Your essay should describe how you would go about the task of making a single cup electric blender from scratch – without purchasing any parts. Which materials would you need? What kind of methods of production would you need to (re-invent)? Which are the most challenging parts of the process, and why? Your blender solution does not have to look like the blender above, but should be able to do what a modern blender does.
Here is the grade producing formula:
1) 70%: thoughtfulness of your approach, including technical details and questions
2) 20%: cool sketches or drawings
3) 10%: simple calculations or models (simplified assumptions as in back-of-envelope) -- see here for another example.
Develop your blender-making approach in no more than 1000 words (all inclusive).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Making a Blender from Scratch
To make the single cup electric blender, there are a number of materials that will be required. These are the main materials that will go into making the different components. Ideally the simple blender will be composed of a single plastic cup, motor, copper wires. Plastic bowl is going to be made from banana peels. The electric motor on the other hand is going to be made of, copper wires, electrically magnetized block of steel, a steel rod, a lemon battery and blocks of wood to hold the rod in place.
The first process will involve the extraction of the starch material from the banana peels in a bid to create plastics from the same. It is crucial that the plastics are made from banana peels in a bid to make sure that the blender is cheap. Bananas are easily accessible and this makes it much easier to replicate the process late or during the trial processes of making the blender. Having a cheap method of making the materials is one of the best approaches as it reduces the level of difficulty and increases the chances of getting the materials right from repeat processes. The choice is also inspired by the need for sustainable development that reduces the level of overexploitation of fossils and reduction in pollution.
Making the plastic
The first step involves cutting up the banana peels in a bowl and then mashing them up into a paste. To help with the mashing process, water is added in small bits. This brings the mashed peels into a paste. From the bowl, the paste is emptied onto a pan, where they are heated at medium heat for 5 minutes. The mixture as it heats is supposed to be stirred continuously. After the mixture reaches the boiling point, put off the fire. At this point the mixture has started to thicken and form a paste. Water is added to allow for further stirring. After stirring for some time, water is added to further mash the paste. After making the paste, this is then sieved into another bowl. The idea in this case is to get the water out and remain with the starch paste. The paste is then put back in the pan, 50 ml of vinegar are added, three teaspoons of honey, cinnamon and thyme. The mixture is then cooked at medium heat as it is mixed thoroughly. When the mixture is consistent, it is then put on paper and pressed to remove the water. Mixture is then put in the wooden molds for drying in the sun. It can also be dried in the oven at moderate temperatures.
Extraction of copper
To extract copper, ore from a prehistoric site is first crashed using a small stone anvil. The ore is crashed into a fine powder. A small pit is dug in the ground and a small channel on the side to allow for air flow. In the pit a fire is lit and charcoal placed in layers. This means after a layer of charcoal, a layer of the fine powder copper ore is spread over and a layer of charcoal is placed on top of it in an alternating format. At the top of the pit will be charcoal and a slab of soil is then placed to cover the oven. Air is then blown through the side channel to create the effect of a furnace, with a good supply of air to support the combustion. The smelt copper...
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