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Compare the domestic and foreign policies of the Federalists with those of the Republicans. Which were more effective?

Essay Instructions:
Compare the domestic and foreign policies of the Federalists with those of the Republicans. Which were more effective? If you use word for word passages from the text or any other source you must use quotes for the passage and reference your sources after the quote as well as at the end of your essays.
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The federalists and republicans policies
The political differences of the two strong parties in the United States have come from far, back in the times of the first president of the united states George Washington. His two secretaries; Thomas Jefferson who served as Washington's Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton who took the office of secretary to the treasury had different views on how the new country should be governed. Although the country had united against the invasion of British monarchial power into everyday life they had never experience this kind of political difference before. The difference of view between the two divided the country into their opinions having Alexander Hamilton together with John Adams and their followers known as the Federalists arguing for a more centralized government, where the national venue achievement over the state-based legislatures (Boyer, 98). On the other hand having Thomas Jefferson together with James Madison and the Democratic-Republicans claimed the subordination of the national government to the states, and a decentralized, direct representative management (Boyer, 98). The rich people favored the federalist side. Due to this difference in ideologies the two developed two distinct political theories which play even today.
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