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Define the term middle class and discuss the factors that led to its growth in the early nineteenth century

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Define the term middle class and discuss the factors that led to its growth in the early nineteenth century. Please my teacher likes a much more coherent essay.
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[Names] [Professor’s Name] [Subject] [Date of Submission] Middle class; can be defined as individuals in the middle of societal level rather a broad group of community contemporary who fall in socio economical or working class and upper class and this vary significantly among cultures. Sociologists also define Middle Class as level of working in white-collar and lower managerial occupations which are defined by reference to income levels of the individuals. Many factors led to growth of Middle Class level since they raised new possibilities which were presented by industries in America, a large influx of immigrants began to find there way to the country. Along with that; the cities struggled and brought even more reasons that made discovery of work in America which resulted to be so practicable and productive. The growth of the middle class was a result of the industrial revolution Thus “middle class" primary appeared in Europe in the late middle ages, with the revitalization of trade and development of structures (armies, endowments and diplomatic marriages) that converted money into power (Crossock 64). Those who cumulated wealth found themselves beginning to compete for power during the Renaissance and by the 18th Century, had productively formed a system that touched the entire globe. Thereafter, the middle class underwent an immense expansion in the 19th Century as a result of the Industrial Revolution which offered both new forms of invention and new scales of production that provided much more bendable investments than the land held by the upper class and the Church. It emerged that the new middle class was not united or homogeneous. At the lower end of the new emerged middle class was miniature shopkeepers who found their livelihood at the underneath of...
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