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Chicano Literature Review: Bless Me Ultima

Essay Instructions:

Please send me your novel choice by Friday May 5th

Directions for Chicano Literature Review

For this report, you are to read a novel with a Chicano or Chicana-based theme. Your selection can be from any time period in Chicano history. You are free to choose from one of a multitude of authors, such as: Rudolfo Anaya, Sandra Cisneros, T.C. Boyle, Jose Antonio Villareal, Julia Alvarez, Victor Villaseñor, or any other author whose story contains a Chicano or Chicana-based theme. After you have selected your author, please consult with me about your selection. The due date for this report is Friday, May 12 at 11:59 PM. But I request that you notify me of your novel choice by Friday, May 5. Please send your report through the Canvas assignment section as a doc, docx or PDF file (If you are using Apple Pages to write your review, just convert your finished product to a docx or PDF file and then send that to me). Late submissions will be accepted for one week after the due date, but a one-grade late deduction will be added to your score. The report is to be 5-7 pages in length. Any reports that are copied from Internet sources will be assigned a failing grade. Please a works cited page. You may use a title page, but that is optional. (Note: the title page and works cited do not count as a page of text). This report will count as 20% toward your final grade. In your works cited page, indicate the name and author of the novel in this format:

Anaya, Rudolfo (1972) Bless Me Ultima. Berkeley: TQS Publications.

In terms of the content of the report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points that the author is trying to convey to the reader. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What is the author’s main purpose for writing the book? What type of background is he/she writing from? What is the setting and the tone of the story? As for the second point of discussion, this is where you provide your opinion or perceptions of the book. And for this section of your review, you are strongly encouraged to provide a historical background to help you understand the themes presented in the story. You are welcome to rely on any of the class material for supporting information. As you write your commentary, consider these following questions: What did you think about the story? How did the book relate to the class? Did the story provide a good background of Chicano/Chicana history? Is this a good book for use in a community college class? You are definitely encouraged to write in first person singular (I feel that..., I think..) as you provide your opinions.

When you compose your review, make sure that you indent your paragraphs, and avoid writing excessively long or extremely short paragraphs. Try to achieve a good balance of summary and commentary in your essay, approximately 60-70% summary, and 30-40% commentary. For example, if your essay is 6 pages in length, if you present 4 pages summarizing the main points of your novel, and 2 pages analyzing the story, then that will be a very good balance and the likelihood of earning a high grade is very strong.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Code
Chicano Literature Review
Bless Me Ultima
The author, Rudolfo Anaya explores several themes about Chicano culture in the story. First, he explores the idea of cultural identity in Chicano community in the early 20th century. This theme is explored through Antonio’s character who is a small boy and is torn between the Spanish Catholic cultural heritage and values and those of his indigenous community. These values seem to conflict the young boy who is barely old enough to understand the complexities and history of both cultures. While the author chose a small boy to question and explore the conflicting cultural values of the community, the society seems to be torn on the compatibility of both cultures. On one hand, there are those who understand the importance of the Curandera and rely on her to heal them or their relatives when they are sick. On the other hand, there are those who believe in the Spanish catholic teachings that consider the ways of the Curandera to be black magic. Antonio’s confusion about the cultural identity is a microcosm of the community which seems split on which cultural values to live for. Throughout the novel, the author seems to show that these two cultures are not necessarily antagonistic and incompatible, rather, they are both important. Consequently, the author shows that these cultures are a major source of conflict for Antonio and the people. However, Anaya seems to suggest that embracing the diversity of their cultural identity is key to resolving the conflict. He embodies this through Ultima’s character who emphasizes the importance of respecting the beliefs of others that are different from your own. He also shows that cultural identity is a fluid concept that evolves over time. Antonio’s understanding of his own identity changes as he experiences new things and learns more about the world around him. Thus, the author shows that cultural identity is something that needs to reflect the experiences and lives of the people rather than a static concept.
Secondly, Anaya has explored spirituality and seem to emphasize on the importance of findings a personal meaning to it. Throughout the novel, the reader is taken on an exploration journey of Antonio’s search for his spirituality. First, Ultima mentors Antonio to understand the power of nature and understand the interconnectedness of all living things. Ultima does not explicitly influence Antonio or tell him how to see his own spirituality, rather she engages him in nature walks and talks that broaden his perspective and give him more information to make the spiritual judgement call himself. He explores ‘magical thinking’ with him which teaches Antonio of how to think and find the deeper meaning of the events and experiences we encounter in our lives. Ultima also seems to mentor Antonio to be open to the natural world and be ready to engage with it. Through engaging and observing the natural world, Antonio would eventually gain a more holistic picture and find a sense of peace and clarity in his spiritual journey. Ultima seems to make sure that she does not impose her will on Antonio, rather sparks curiosity and provides pointers for him to gain a deeper understanding. Anaya also shows how the unquestionable and rigid Christian framework fo the Spanish Catholic led to more questions without answers. Anaya seems to suggest that an individual should be given the information and be left to decide for themselves.
Thirdly, the author emphasizes the beauty and power of the natural world. He describes the landscape and the world around the characters in vivid detail that evokes a sense of wonder and magical realism in the mind of the reader. Throughout the novel, the author shows that the natural world is a source of comfort and can help individuals understand the how humanity is not removed from it, rather it is connected. Through understanding this connection, then humanity can see the world in a more holistic way. Through Ultima’s character and her understanding of the natural world, the author understands the interconnectedness of all living things and the cyclical nature of life. It evokes a sense of wonder and is humbling to kn...
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