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History of Labor and Work

Essay Instructions:

In this exam, you will write three (3) short essays, one from each color-coded section: Green Page, Blue Page, and Red Page. You may select only one question from each section. The answer to each question should be approximately 250 words in length (about a single page, double-spaced). Students should ascribe to the rubric for the exam in completing each of the responses. Our questions are based upon questions that you developed in our course discussions and weekly question posts. So, each page focuses historical issues with which you should be familiar.

Your short essay will express your opinion on the question that you have selected and provide supporting evidence for that opinion.

We have posted information on these historical issues in the Modules section of our Canvas site; however, you are always welcome to bring additional, relevant information from other sources that you feel are pertinent to your short essay. You are not required to use sources outside our Canvas site. You will cite all sources upon which you rely for support. You should use the APA or MLA format for in-text citations within your essays. You will also provide a Works Cited page at the end of the exam (after the three essays) listing all the web sites, articles, books, and other sources that you have quoted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Subject and Section
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May 4, 2023
History of Labor
Essay 1 (Green section): The Relevance of Walt Whitman's "The Wound Dresser" in Portraying Essential Workers in 2023
Walt Whitman's 1865 poem, "The Wound Dresser," powerfully portrays the vital role of essential workers, such as nurses and nursing assistants, in a crisis. The poem's vivid imagery and emotional depth convey these healthcare workers' dedication, selflessness, and courage as they tend to the wounded and dying during the Civil War. Although written over a century ago, the poem's message remains relevant to the workforce in 2023.
In the poem, Whitman describes tending to the wounded with unflinching detail, emphasizing the physical and emotional demands placed on healthcare workers. He shows how they must confront the harsh realities of suffering and death while maintaining a steadfast resolve to heal and comfort their patients. The lines "I am firm with each, the pangs are sharp and unavoidable" and "I think I could not refuse this moment to die for you if that would save you" illustrate these workers' depth of commitment and empathy.
The relevance of Whitman's portrayal of essential workers in "The Wound Dresser" can be seen in the contemporary context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare professionals worldwide have faced immense challenges in caring for patients while risking their health and well-being. Like the poem's protagonist, today's essential workers have demonstrated unwavering commitment and courage in the face of adversity.
Moreover, Whitman's poem highlights the often-overlooked humanity and individuality of those receiving care. By acknowledging the personal stories and emotions of the wounded soldiers, the poem encourages readers to recognize the value of each life touched by these essential workers. This message remains crucial in 2023 as societies grapple with the long-term effects of the pandemic and the ongoing need to support and honor the contributions of essential workers.
In conclusion, "The Wound Dresser" serves as a poignant reminder of the vital role played by healthcare workers in times of crisis. Despite being written in 1865, its message of dedication, selflessness, and empathy continues to resonate with contemporary audiences, underlining the importance of recognizing and...
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