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Changes in the Early 1800s America

Essay Instructions:

Essay Prompt

Change in the Early 1800s. The first half of the 19th century (1800s) was an era of great change for Americans. The nation was expanding, and morals/attitudes were changing as well. Using course content, describe and discuss at least three specific ways that America changed in the antebellum period (from 1800 to the start of the Civil War). You can choose to discuss geographic, social, technological, economic, or political change, but make sure that you include specific events and people who were connected to the changes that you have identified and dates/time frame. What were the effects/consequences of these changes on individuals, regions, and the nation as a whole?


Respond to the prompt above in a formal essay of at least 3 full pages of text (typed, double-spaced, standard fonts and margins). This must include an introduction, body, and conclusion and be proofread for spelling and punctuation errors. Please clearly identify the three movements/ways the nation changed in your introduction. The essay should be written in third person, past tense--steer clear of "I", "me", and "we" in your work. Make sure you include specific examples from the course material.

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Changes in the Early 1800s America
Americans experienced great changes in the first half of the 19th century. The early 1800s, often known as the Antebellum, was characterized by the establishment of the government and the Civil War. The US was experiencing a surge in the agricultural industry, especially cotton in the South, expansion towards the West, and rapid industrialization in the North. The antebellum period and reforms were influenced by technological, demographic, social, and economic changes in the country. Social and economic problems, for example, were primarily drawn from the slavery that was prevalent in the South and supported its economy, offering labor for the cotton and other plantations and the rise of the women right’s movement. As technology improved in various sectors, including transport, the economy shifted towards an industrial one rather than farming. Natives’ displacement also marked the Antebellum period. This paper discusses the economic, social, and technological changes, including specific events and influential people connected to the changes during the Antebellum period or before the start of the Civil War, and how the changes affected individuals, regions, and the nation.
Social changes were evident in the Antebellum period. It included the displacement of natives from their ancestral lands following the presence of European settlers, who occupied land and domesticated animals. Importantly, displacement started as early as the 15th century. Another notable social change was abolitionism, including the end of slavery. This resulted in acts such as the Missouri Compromise that accommodated states that outlawed slavery and others, especially the South’s Missouri, as slave states. Slavery in the South further invited other social reforms, including immigration, that included the movement from South to North, which was considered a free state with favorable policies. Women’s suffrage also increased as they voiced their opinions, arguably challenging the inequality and disregard for their voices unless in religious environments. In other words, the Antebellum period signaled the rise of public activism that gained significant success in the following century.
Technological changes thrived in areas such as transportation, as indicated in the development of railroads, steamboats, and canals. This signaled ease of movement and ultimately supported other reforms, including the economic ones that thrived on urban growth and easy access to raw materials and goods. Technology improved manufacturing and transportation, among other areas...
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