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The Bill Of Rights Of The Constitution & What It Means To Americans

Essay Instructions:

The Bill of Rights is a vital piece of the Constitution. The Bill of Rights protects our individual freedoms and guarantees that they can never be taken away. Throughout American history, these ten protections have been implemented and protected by government institutions for the betterment of our country. The Bill of Rights as citizens is our most prized portion of the Constitution. Our armed forces and Veterans have sacrificed much to protect these freedoms. What do these freedoms mean to you?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name and Age School and GradeTeacher’s Name and Subject School Contact Number The Bill of Rights (First Ten Amendments) of the Constitution and What it means to All Americans Introduction The Bill of Rights remains to be a vital element of the U.S. Constitution. It protects individual freedoms and assures that such freedoms are not taken away from the citizens. Following the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the U.S. Founding Fathers were tasked to draft both the federal and state Constitution (Konvitz 7). While the importance of the Bill of Rights was not initially recognized in the protection of Americans’ freedoms, proponents of the Constitution found it necessary in realizing ratification. In 1791, the Bill of Rights was officially integrated as part of the Constitution through the efforts demonstrated by James Madison and other Founding Fathers (Labunski 174). Since history of the United States, government institutions have implemented and protected these ten provisions for the good of all Americans. This makes the Bill of Rights the most valuable part of the Constitution and American Veterans and the armed forces have sacrificed to protect these freedoms. This paper explores the Bill of Rights (First Ten Amendments) of the U.S. Constitution and what the freedoms mean to all Americans. The Making of the Bill of Rights Following the American Revolution, the Founding Fathers noticed that the Articles of the Confederation lacked the authority to protect the founded nation or to hold together different states within a single union. British troops who were at large in North America together with other foreigners signaled volatility of the union (Labunski 262). In addition, the Federal government was weak as it depended solely on individual and state donations to run. It was then necessary to adopt a stronger government, which could protect American...
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