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American History: Colonization Of New England

Essay Instructions:

Signature Assignment (SA)

The SA assignment for this course will consist of an essay about one of the topics or events that we will cover during the semester. In the essay, you will integrate and apply class content by showing how different disciplines (economics, politics) can be used to analyze historical events in the US and how this event can be helpful to understand today's world. You are expected to use the tools that you will learn during the semester (e.g. economic concepts, interactions between economics and politics, different perspectives or explanations for a given topic…). Besides dealing with the social/economic/political aspect of the topic or event of your choice, you must also provide a personal reflection on how learning about that topic changed, improved, or challenged your understanding of US history or its links with today's controversies or political, economic, or social context. The audience of the essay will be me (the professor), so you must use a formal style. Your essay must be between one and two pages (use font “Times New Roman”, size 12, and 1.5 space between lines) and it is due Thursday, April 19. You must upload your paper to the Canvas Assignment named “Signature Assignment”.

What follows is a list of the four important aspects that your essay must address. I also include some of the potential questions that you can answer (not all the questions might be applicable to your case and you can address other questions of your choice for each point):

Present and describe the event you will be discussing: what is the historical context? What are its main features? Which organizations or groups were involved? What is the historical context in which it took place? Are there different/rival interpretations of the event? If so, which one is backed by the evidence we discussed? You do not need to look for additional material besides the one presented in class, the slides, and/or the readings.

Explain the importance of the event: Why is it important in American history and/or the development of the US? How did it alter the political, economic, or social context of the US? How did the event influence the subsequent evolution of the US economy or political system?

Analyze the importance of the event for you: What did you know about the event before taking Econ 1740? How did your knowledge of the event change or improve? Which of your ideas changed or which ones were confirmed? What did you surprise the most when studying the topic? Why? Which new connections (between disciplines, topics in US history/economy/politics) did you make while studying the event?

Connect the event to the present: Why is that episode important for today's world? Does it help to understand or inform any of the challenges or debates we face today? How does the study of this event in Econ 1740 help your understanding of today's political/social/economic context? How has it helped you understanding today's social/economic/political situation or controversies?

It's the homework from Econ 1740 American History. Follow the instruction to finish the essay. The writer should have the knowledge from money and banking too. During the class, the professor talked about the banking system in the U.S. too. I will post our study guide for midterm to make sure the writer know what we are learning.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Course Title Course Code Instructor Date American History The early 18th century saw an unprecedented growth of the population in New England as it was known at the time. The British colonies at this time considered themselves as part of the British Empire in relation to political, military, intellectual, race and religion. Following the English civil war, England had begun to envision a larger and stronger empire in the North American colonies, including Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Maine among others. These colonies contributed immensely to the increase in population as many settlers sought to make a fortune in the new land (Tindall, George & David 64). Notably, New England colonies differed in terms of their economies with those in the north benefiting from industrialization and those in the south benefiting from agriculture. The colonization and development of the New England and its impact today forms the basis of the ensuing discussion. In essence, the paper seeks to show that colonization of New England helped to build a powerful nation of an unchartered character. During the 18th century, the American colonies were not allowed to trade openly with European countries. Notably, the U.S. is a product of two forces, including immigration of people with diverse customs, ideas and national background (Tilly 72). Notably, colonial America was a representative image of European culture and economic activities. Across the Atlantic emerged a group of Englishmen, Germans, Frenchmen and Scots all eager to transfer their habits to the newly found land. Inevitably, geographical factors, the interplay between various local groups and the sheer difficulty of preserving traditional practices led to significant changes, w...
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