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Australian Multiculturalism

Essay Instructions:

Submit a 500-750 word proposal for feedback (this is just an proposal for a long essay, only need to write things stated in the instructions)
1. Provide a full draft of your introductory paragraph outlining the argument you want to
make in response to the chosen question.
2. Identify two of the required course readings that you think are especially relevant to
your response to your chosen question. Provide the full bibliographic references.
3. Referring directly to the required readings you have listed above, identify and explain
a key concept or arguments drawn from each required reading that you think will be
relevant to your response to the question.
4. Explain why these concepts or arguments will be important to your paper. Identify
which author’s work they are drawn from.
Discuss the key definitions and characteristics associated with Australian
multiculturalism. What is your understanding of why Australian governments began –
and have continued to adopt – policies associated with the idea of multiculturalism?
What have been the strengths of the Australian approach? What are some of the
main critiques of its conceptualization and implementation?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Australian Multiculturalism
Multiculturalism is the process of dealing with diversity in the community. It is a broad discipline that is backed by different theories. People are most likely to live harmoniously if they coexist, as per the principles of multiculturalism. It integrates different factors of society, for example, race and ethnicity. Australian multiculturalism is quite diverse, and I believe it obeys the principles of multiculturalism. It is regarded as a home for cultures. People embrace and protect these characters in significant dimensions. The aspects of conceptualization in the Australian culture are an essential entity that cannot be left out. Conceptualization will help in evaluating the critical issues embedded in the Australian culture. Essentially, rich diversity has enabled the country to be a mighty nation. The objective of the proposal is to explore multiculturalism in Australia at large.
Bennett, T., Grossberg, L., Morris, M. New Keywords: “A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society.” Rev. ed., Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA 2005
Grassby, A. J. A. “Multicultural Society for the Future Canberra.” Australian Government Publishing Service, 1973.
Key Concepts from the Readings
According to Grassby, 1973 multicultural society will have a tremendous and productive future. “I wish to record at the outset my conviction that the future of our society is essentially hopeful.” The Minister released the statement in 1973, showing the importance of multiculturalism in Australia. Notably, the statements highlighted in the readings are quite phenomenal, and they reflect the great future in coexistence. For example, the minister discussed the significance of multiculturalism in ...
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