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Equality Among Men and Women and Ending the Hypocrisy of the Male-dominated Society

Essay Instructions:

Please write an essay on one of the topics listed below. These are broad questions and you should not deal with every issue raised by the prompts provided. Instead, develop your own thesis and make an original argument around a few key points that you discuss in depth with concrete examples from the primary sources. The purpose of this paper is to ascertain how well you have grappled with the primary sources. You may bring in secondary literature if necessary, which should be cited using the MLA format. But please remember that this paper is to gauge the originality of your argument grounded in your observations of the primary readings. A. Law Codes and Empire: Compare and contrast two of the three law codes listed below.  What are the purposes of these codes and whom do they seek to regulate? How do these codes express a theory of empire that transcends localized control? In what way does spirituality factor into these codes? Make sure to ground your essay in the specific historical context and use the full range of the codes supplied:Code of Hammurabi:https://avalon.law.yale.edu/ancient/hamframe.asp
Capitularies of Charlemagne:
Rules of the Fourth Lateran Council:
B. Idealized Kingship: Compare and contrast two of the three accounts of political leaders listed below. By what criteria do these documents describe an “Ideal” ruler? What should he be known for and how should those ruled act in response? How does strength, beneficence or justice factor into that definition? Make sure to ground your essay in the specific historical context and use the full range of the codes supplied:Kingship of David in Psalms 1-33 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Psalms-Chapter-1/
Res Gestae of Augustus:http://classics.mit.edu/Augustus/deeds.html
Magna Carta:https://dp.la/primary-source-sets/declaration-of-the-rights-of-man-and-of-the- citizen/sources/892 C. Subaltern Voices: Compare and contrast two of the following accounts of those who traditionally have had no voice in history, women and slaves. Discuss how the various civilizations interact with these marginalized groups? How do these opinions differ from modern perceptions? Do you perceive a common theme running through them? Make sure to ground your essay in the specific historical context and use the full range of the codes supplied:Documents on Greek Slavery: https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/ancient/greek-slaves.asp
Gregory of Tours, Harsh Treatment of Serfs and Slaves: https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/575rauching.asp
Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, Prologue: https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/ct-prolog-bathmod.asp
Saint Bernardo of Siena, Two Sermons on Wives and Widows: https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/bernardino-2sermons.asp

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Subjugation of Slaves and Women
Women and slaves have historically been relegated to servitude until recently when efforts to end their silence and powerlessness began shaping. This essay will examine how various civilizations interact with the two marginalized groups. It will examine the differences in opinion and common themes running through the different readings. The paper's thesis is: Women have historically been discriminated against, but the middle ages saw the emergence of a small group of individuals who began to challenge the misogynistic views of a male-dominated society.
Aristotle strongly supported and justified the subjugation of both slaves and women, especially the former, which he posited was natural and beneficial to both the slave and the master. The philosopher believed that slavery was primarily founded on a person's inability to apply rationality as a principle even when possessing the faculties to apprehend logic. He argues that slaves are incapable of logic and allow their bodies to minister to their needs of life just like animals are ruled by instinct. Therefore, Aristotle determines that nature has destined these beings for servile labor to allow those who participate in rational principle to apply their talents to the more practical matters of “political life in the arts both of war and peace”. He applies the same reason when speaking of the subservient role expected of women in society. Aristotle states that males are naturally superior to women, and therefore, the former rules over the latter. He argues that this arrangement is a principle of necessity that is expedient and right. During Aristotle's time, slaves were often the ill-gotten gains of war. He justifies by implying that the power to exercise power over another indicates superior excellence of some kind.[Fordham University. “Ancient History Sourcebook: Documents on Greek Slavery, C. 750 - 330 BCE.” Sourcebooks.fordham.edu, 2021, sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/575rauching.asp.]
Because power implies virtue, the philosopher argues that it is suitable for the master to rule over the slave because he is also superior in virtue in addition to being more assertive. The complete authority of the master over the slave is further demonstrated in the story of the widow of Godwin, who married a vain, cruel, arrogant, and proud man named Rauching. The man takes pleasure in causing suffering to his slaves by holding a burning candle to their shins, and if they cry out or move from one place to another, he threatens them with a sword. Not only does the master have authority over the slave's body, but also their happiness. Upon learning that two of his slaves had run off to a church to get married, their affection for one another had lasted for two years, Rauching demanded their release from the officiating priest. The priest pleads for their happiness and asks their master not to separate them or punish them bodily. Consenting to the priest's wishes and having them again in h...
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