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Americn History: The Great Depression and the New Deal

Essay Instructions:
Your essays should demonstrate your familiarity with course readings, introductory remarks, and other materials, and they should reflect your critical thinking about the questions. Be sure to provide specific examples to support your points. Each essay should be around 750 words. Cite page numbers from the textbook (Foner 603) as well as any other sources that you use. Textbook is Give Me Liberty An American History Volume 2 by Eric Foner. Using only that source, answer : The Great Depression and the New Deal: Discuss the New Deal's transformation of the role of the federal government in American society in response to the Great Depression. Why and how did the New Deal reflect a new level of awareness of the “social conditions of freedom” and a departure from “laissez faire” and “liberty of contract”? (Foner, 803). Use at least three examples of New Deal policies to support your answer.
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The Great Depression and the New Deal
At a glance, United States history is based on a momentous molding constituent whose source came from a great national crisis. During the Great Depression, a quarter of America’s labor force was unemployed. The state of affairs was wanting and the economy was deteriorating at an alarming rate. At this rate, prompt action was to be taken to counter the situation. After closely studying the Great Depression and the institution of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, America’s most considerable and dominant event came to be found (Foner, 603-803, 2008).
The New Deal and related policies had a major impact on the American civilization since the establishment of the United States. In essence, The New Deal transformed both the political and societal nature of the nation over and above preserving the elementary capitalist environment of the American economy. Therefore, this paper will discuss why and how the New Deal transformed the role of the federal government in American society in response to the Great Depression. To arrive at the conclusion statistical analysis was carried out in relation to the topic of discussion
When it was instituted, the New Deal altered the Americans’ view of the state government. Study shows that aforementioned to the Great Depression, it was intricate for citizens to be aware of a federal existence in their limited communities. It should be noted that before the Great Depression, the government hardly ever had a direct impact on citizens’ lives. It is because there were no agendas such as societal security, welfare, federal guidelines on the market, or subsidy programs. The New Deals did not only change the role of the government, but, also changed the prospects that the American citizens had towards the federal government in managing the national economy. Furthermore, it is during the Great Depression that Americans’ expectations on the federal government drastically changed (Foner, 603-803, 2008).
One of the acknowledged changes in American notion from the Great Depression was the rejection of the policy of laissez faire. It should be understood that laissez faire was one of the most celebrated doctrines before the Great Depression. All the policies that regarded the New Deal contradicted the foundations and basis of laissez faire economics. It made ways into the till then...
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