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American Colonies By Alan Taylor: History Of North America

Essay Instructions:

Identify five (5) important people, places, events, or specific things that you read about in the Taylor, American Colonies textbook. All five items you choose must come from the assigned readings for the week that you are submitting the Timeline. 
Each Timeline entry should be a 100-150 word paragraph that:

identifies the specific time-period in which the person, place, event, or thing existed

describes what the person, place, event, or thing is

explains the significance of the person, place, or thing

The five entries must be in chronological order from earliest to latest.

NOTE: The items you choose must be SPECIFIC people, places, events, or things.YOU SHOULD NOT CHOOSE VAGUE IDEAS OR GENERAL HISTORICAL ERAS. For example, DO NOT choose things like "Colonies begin to grow (1620s)" or "First European Settlements (Early 17th Century)." See below for correct examples.


Identify important historical people, places, events, and concepts from the readings

Identify the specific time period in which these people, places, events and concepts lived or occurred.

Summarize the basic historical facts about these people, places, events, and concepts

Analyze and explain the significance of historical people, places, events, and concepts

Develop written skills

Length: 500 - 750 words total (Five 100-150 - word paragraphs)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Course: Tutor: Date: American Colonies by Alan Taylor In his book, American Colonies, Taylor mentions various events that took place in the history of North America. In the first chapter, he begins by mentioning the Pre-Columbian era in 14th up to the16th century. During this time, there were a number of developments in the field of culture and various aspects of the society. There was a rise in the number of agricultural activities that were spread to America from Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China. European influence on the North America during this era was prevalent in various aspects of the Americans. A number of explorers during this time discovered America as a region with a lot of potential, hence turning it into the European colony. The major events during this era included the efforts of the Jesuits to catholicize the natives, the success of the Spanish Cabeza De Vaca and slavery in North America. Taylor writes about the attempt by the Jesuits to catholicize Native Americans in the years 1566 to 1572CITATION Ala02 \p p.370 \l 1033 (Alan p.370). It was meant to ensure that the Native Americans become conversant with the European way of life. This lead to several difficulties and their efforts were not successful. Thus, new reformation by the Jesuits was emphasized in which there was an isolation of the young Native Americans into seminaries; a belief that most them would be easily converted. In contrast to the beliefs of the Jesuits, the Natives Americans became stubborn. Moreover, the Jesuits experienced difficulty in translating the missionary word of Christianity to the young Native Americans. Furthermore, young American Natives refused could not be transformed and instead ran away from the Jesuits. In addition, the Jesuits forms of teaching applied were foreign and were not contextualized for the benefit of the young Natives. Taylor explored the success and achievements of the great Spa...
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