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All Quiet on the Western Front. History Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

To complete this paper, answer the 3 questions in your syllabus (top of page 4).

For a great paper, remember the following: Directions for the REQUIRED paper assignments: 1-2 pages, typed & double-spaced

Papers should respond to the following questions:

1. Historical issue: Name the approximate time period for the story, and tell what historical issue is central to the story. What “–ism” is part of this struggle? Explain.

2. Describe the problem faced by a major character in the book, and tell how this person responds to the problem. Does the character fight against the conditions that threaten him/her; or does the character accommodate to them? Explain.

3. What does this reading say to us in 2019? Do persons today face any similar problems?

1. Answer the questions, in order. Do NOT copy the questions. Write at least one complete paragraph for each question. (The entire paper should be 1 1/2 to 2 pages long.) DO NOT summarize the plot of the book, and only answer the questions.

2. In each part of the paper, give specific examples to support the answer. For example, if the first answer includes a statement that "Frankenstein was a response to mechanism" you need to follow with specific examples from 3 parts of the book. Use examples from different parts of the book: all examples should not come from the first 2 chapters!

3. After each example, give a page citation to give the location of the example. Use a page number, in parenthesis, only. [ (10) , not (page 10) ]

4. Note: an example is NOT a quotation. AVOID quotations in short papers like this one; I want to read your words, not the words of the book!

5. Avoid using "I think...." or "You will see...." Just write clearly the answers to the questions, and leave out "I" and "you."

6. At the end of the paper, include a Works Cited listing that shows the edition of the book that you used. Follow MLA format, found in http://www(dot)calstatela(dot)edu/library/guides/3mla.pdf OR use easybib.com or another site that helps you set up MLA format. (I will use this to check your citations)


Grades for required papers will be based on the following rubric:

30 points 1. Answers all (3) questions clearly.

30 points 2. Refers to the reading with specific examples for each question.

30 points 3. Shows understanding of the reading and thoughtful reflection on the significance.

20 points 4. Follows directions for type, format and length.

15 points 5. Uses parenthetical citations to indicate source of material, and lists full citations

on separate sheet of paper, with MLA format.

TOTAL: 125 points. Extra credit for Socratic Seminar participation, 5 points.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
All Quiet on the Western Front
All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel written by a German novice, Erich Maria Remarque. In the book, Erich describes how the German soldiers underwent physical and mental torture during the war. He also gives a detailed account of how the soldiers felt detached from their civic lives when they went back home from the war. The novel was first published in 1928 in a German newspaper, and a book followed later on. There have been more than two million copies sold after the publication. The novel has an adaptation of the film and comics, to mention a few, with the same name that has caused waves in the entertainment industry. The essay discusses the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front.
The book was written to tell about soldiers fighting in World War I. During this time; colonialism had already spread around the world. The story focuses on Paul, who is among those fighting on the Western Front. Before Paul joined the army, he lived a normal teenage life. All that changes after he becomes a soldier. While fighting at the front, Paul and his fellow soldiers have to make sure that they frequently engage so that the enemy does not have the upper hand. The conditions they live in are pathetic and hard for a person to survive, although the soldiers push on. The author makes it clear at the beginning of the book that he is not accusing anyone and the book is not an adventure since death is not an adventure to those who face it almost every day (Remarque 3). By this, he was referring to the soldiers fighting to stay alive at the front.
Paul is the protagonist and main character in the story. He has a sweet personality and loves writing plays and poems before he joins the army. Throughout the story, his character is compared to the barbarism at war. The war conditions force Paul to act and behave contrary to the person he is. After all, one can do whatever it takes to survive. The author uses Paul’s memories from when he was a sweet and charming teenager throughout the book. These co...
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